Need to send Letters to the United States

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Keane 16

Fedex would be my last resort since I'd definitely go broke. Can't even think of using SpeedPost after my horror experience.

So what other options do I have? How long does normal air mail take?

Are you sending out applications to colleges and stuff?

If so sign up at Edulix, take a printout of your profile page, and head to TNT. Will cost you 683 bucks per envelope/package (within 500 gms). Way cheaper than other courier options, very reliable and reaches there in 3~4 days flat.
Normal airmail takes anywhere between 10 days to 3 weeks.

DHL is a good (but expensive unless u r getting discounts as mentioned earlier) alternative. Had a good experience with them recently. WHile u track the shipment on web, u can choose to be updated on ur mobile or in ur email and as the consignment reaches every hub on the way, u get a sms/mail with the status. Took a li'l over 50 hours to deliver.

Not sure how good the tracking is with Speed Post, and with Air Mail, there is no tracking i guess.
+1 for DHL, for sending apps the charge is 1015/-(instad of the normal 2k for a 500g parcel) and the tracking is damn good as is their call centre. And my apps reached within a working week
I've already send my main applications via FedEx, need to send one more sheet of paper to each school. So really can't spend 1k on each one again...
ok.. 1 page, then the fax+airmail option is the best, the fax will keep them happy until the original arrives a little later.
i am not sure but first flight had come up with a scheme for college admissions . 500 bucks flat to anywhere in the US and Europe.
If you have a relative/friend in the US, another thing you can do is to send all 6 pages to him and get him to send them to the respective colleges. It should work out a lot cheaper.

Also unless its something that requires your signature or part of an application form which is required in original, they may as well accept a Fax copy without the need to need the papers physically.
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