Budget 0-20k Need to upgrade My PC


Hi Guyz,
Posting after a long time. I need to upgrade my PC. My Config is as follows :
Proccy : AMD Phenom X2 550 BE
RAM : Kingston DDR3 2 GB
MoBO : Gigabyte 785 series (Dont rem the exact name)
HDD : Seagate 500gb
Graphic Card : None
Speakers : Altec Lansing 5.1
Case : Circle
OS : Windows 8.1/Ubuntu 14.10 Dual boot

I basically need a new proccy , RAM and MOBO. I would be keeping the HDD . I dont need a graphic carda s i dont intend to play any games.
I intend to install Oracle and Informatica on my pc.

Kindly suggest me a proccy+ram+mobo combo . my budget is till 20k. Can extend till 25k max.
