Need Ug2 Profile

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Hmm, I recently formatted my C: to reinstall windows. Little did I realise that I was wiping my profiles off too :( ...I am not interested in playing thru the underground mode once again, so I wanted some one to send their profile over to me, which has all tracks, performance and visual parts unlocked...and if possible please rename it b4 sending it to me :P
thanks in advance :)

EDIT: heres my id
nope...i have one, its 13MB.

i can send u mine :P 44% complete, with a Tiburon @ 100% acceleration and top speed ;)
OOPS :ashamed: .............sorry maan....took the dvd's nd mags too.....

its 10KB zipped ;)

here u go.....lemme knw if it worked :cool2: :hap2:


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