Need wifi adapter

The Sorcerer

oooh after lots of squabble and their usual dialogues that "rats climb on cables" I am getting reliance wimax on Monday and also buffalo WHR-G54S router. My mac laptop has wifi- not my main desktop :(. People give me advice for wifi adapters for 1k.
I got a USB adapter from Linksys. Two actually, one in use. Cost me 1350 each.

Works all right. Nothing to write home about, but it enables my HTPC to connect to CddB and play some compressed music from another PC.

I have one more lying idle, but that's meant for my production rig so it can download patches and Ubuntu packages when needed.

If I can get it to work with Linux, that is ;) I'm having enough trouble getting seemingly compatible hardware to work with it.
Does it matter which usb wifi adapter I get? or does it have any good significant difference from each other. If not then I am leaning towards what udit has mentioned.