Needed: DVD authoring help and info

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This is one territory I never ventured into so far. I was contend to watch all the videos on a computer. But not anymore.

In the last couple of days I have tried a couple of programs but it is quite evident that I am a noob when it comes to DVD authoring and handling videos (with all the codecs, audio, demuxing etc).

While I will get to know them gradually, for now I will be contend to get a good DVD Authoring program that can turn AVI, MP4 files into DVD-ready folder.

My primary requirements are:

1- Should be easy on a noob.

2- Quality of encoding is VERY IMPORTANT. Of course lot depends on source file, but still I need something very good here. I have a fairly fast computer (though only with two cores) and would like to put it to good use.

3- Support for AVI, MP4 files, subtitles is must. Also it should allow mixing files of different frame rates or resolution into one project

4- For now I have found ConvertXtoDVD 3 best of lot.

TMPEG refuses to accept many of my AVI files and DVDFlick produces very bad encoding. I tried AVItoDVD as well but it gave me silent videos with no audio. So I need something better than ConvertXtoDVD 3

Pitch in ye audio-video gurus...
As far as i have experienced DVD Authoring on Windows sucked a**.

If you can get your hands on any Mac you can try DVD Studio Pro , it may take you a bit of time understand it but its really powerful.
Party Monger said:
Convertx to of the lot..Rest will make u deall with lot of crap..

Any particular problem with it?

Not much of an issue... just that I wanted something that can support mkv files, give me option to chose bit rate as well as give me two-pass encoding (better quality).

ConvertXtoDVD supports only one pass encoding, arbitrarily decides the size of DVD folder and does not allow you any control over bit rate. Though I must say it's very very fast. I mean 20 minutes to encode a 110 minute AVI file... well that is very fast and quality, though not great, is perfectly acceptable considering the quality of sources file.
There are tools that deal specifically with authoring DVDs. One program i used is DVD Lab Pro. Lots of control over the format, layout etc fo the DVD.

Conversions are best handled externaly with best-of-breed specific utilities and then just add the resulting files into the authoring tool.
^^ but it is a lengthy process and not too noob-friendly. I will love to try what you suggest but I have very little idea about how it can be done. will you guide me through the process?
There is one issue to consider, if your titles are in a higher resolution than DVD, you will be losing quality if you opt to make a DVD.

Dont most hardware 'DVD' players out there already support these formats natively ?

Much easier this way, no rencoding loss just burn a data disk and play.
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