Neo must die ...

Hi friends,

I wander online by the name neomustdie..... (earlier it used to be jay4u / jay_4uforever)..... I am currently a MBA in Fin Major and Sys Minor, now working as a Asst. Fin Mgr in an Intl Co. Hey but i am still 22 yrs old....

I would pretty soon be shifting to IT related services. I enroll in forums to gain and share knowledge. I bounced up to this forum while googling and liked it.... hence here I am.....

My hobbies range from Graphics designing, writing small applications, wacthing stars, numerology etc. I would like to open my own Internet Company pretty soon. And is in the hunt for a good looking chic with a huge load of money to invest in my venture..... :eek:hyeah: (joking) :eek:hyeah:

Enough for now..... Lets get back to business.......
Hi Neo , Welcome to Techenclave ! I am Sure U will gain a lot of Knowledge here ! This is indeed one of the best Indian community Tech Forum ! So Njoy and Have Fun M8 ! :)
Welcome to TE.

hope you gain and share a lot of knowledge here.

do post your Graphics designs in the Eye Candy Section.

I hope you find a good looking chic with a huge load of money to invest in your venture :) :D :eek:hyeah:

enjoy your stay here.

happy posting.
Thanks buddies... just posted my first few posts... and really liking the forum.... Nice work.. And two nickels of mine to the site owner....
neomustdie said:
Hi friends,

I wander online by the name neomustdie..... (earlier it used to be jay4u / jay_4uforever)..... I am currently a MBA in Fin Major and Sys Minor, now working as a Asst. Fin Mgr in an Intl Co. Hey but i am still 22 yrs old....

I would pretty soon be shifting to IT related services. I enroll in forums to gain and share knowledge. I bounced up to this forum while googling and liked it.... hence here I am.....

My hobbies range from Graphics designing, writing small applications, wacthing stars, numerology etc. I would like to open my own Internet Company pretty soon. And is in the hunt for a good looking chic with a huge load of money to invest in my venture..... :eek:hyeah: (joking) :eek:hyeah:

Enough for now..... Lets get back to business.......
Damn, You are just in time!!:clap:

Now Neo won't die!!:p

Welcome to our Chill Pill World NMD!!:eek:hyeah:

BTW, nice intro!!:cool2:
hmm.. would like to take the blue pill or the red pill ?

take the blue pill, get your chica, the money and your internet business and soar to sucess...

or take the red pill, post at TE and attain geek nirvana.....

the choice is yours neo, all yours..