Linux NeoPwn - OpenMoko based Backtrack running penetration testing device

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It is on slashdot if you guys didn't read it. What they've done here is customized an OpenMoko phone to run Backtrack Linux 3 which is one of the best security assessment distros out there. The OpenMoko phone also supports USB host mode so you can connect USB devices like wireless cards (keyboards too i guess) and have a full fledged hacking toolkit in your pocket. You'd be like the kid from Die Hard 4.

While I'm not too impressed by the usefulness of this device (I'd rather have a netbook), it is still a wicked cool phone to have.

Slashdot | Neopwn, the World's First Pentesting Mobile Phone
NeoPwn Mobile Pentesting - First Ever Network Auditing Distribution for a Mobile Phone Platform
i wonder if anyone on TE (in india) has the neo freerunner... hope to see a review or something but doubt it :D
I doubt anyone picked it up. It's quite expensive (22k atleast) and doesn't offer any real advantage over any one of those HTC phones (not functionally atleast).
I have seen the OpenMoko Freerunner :) Its not meant for competing with HTC atm.. The Free runner provide is a developer delight , mean its focus more on developers rather that audience.. openMoko has just started to grow just wait 1-2 years to see OSS full potential :D
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