Net I install 1/2/3 all??

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Do I need to install separate version all on one machine or can i have the latest /highest version & the programs which depend on 1.1 & 2.0 will work under 3x version?
U mean I should install all 1by1 starting from 2-7????

Sounds crazy to me.......why cant MS have one consolidated version of net framework
all versions of .net framework has its own envionment and uses. so its needed by softwares developed who develop softwares with a set of .net framework.

and a new version is released the developers use the new framework.

install all one by one that is better.
Just install 3.5 it contains all the previous version, not sure how ppl answer questions when they themselves are not aware of it

3.0 contains 2.0,1.0
2.0 contains 1.0

Hope you get it
Thats what I thought

eg: sp1 is not required if u install sp3

so same should be with net frame work but I was told other wise.
I my case, Dead Space was crashing on my Vista 64. I already had .NET 3.5 Installed but then i installed .NET 2.0 and it started working.
Probably a bug with the game or .NET

To be on the safe side, just install .NET 2.0 and then .NET 3.5. It's just a matter of once. :)
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