Netgear WGR 614 and Torrents

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I use an Airtel connection for my BB needs.
When I connect the Airtel router directly to my router(I have ports forwarded on that) my torrents work perfectly(I get direct connections with good speeds), but through my wireless router I get the NAT error on Azureus. I have forwarded ports in the router also and also on my Laptop firewall(thats why they work fine with just the airtel wired router).
Any ideas on what could be the problem?
At first I thought it was MTU, as windows update was also not working, but with MTU fix windows update works fine, and so do the bank sites, but still no torrents going green, they stay at yellow and I get reduced speeds too!
You need to do a port chaining and not a direct port forward


say your Modem's WAN IP is 66.12.x.y

and your modem's LAN side IP is

and your router's WAN side IP is

And your router's LAN side IP is

and your client PCs lan IPs are say, 102, 103 etc.

and say you want to forward port 3333 to PC

so here's what you need to do...

On the modem: fwd 3333 from the modem to (Router WAN IP)

On the router: fwd 3333 to

All set :)
Thats what I have done

On the modem

Port forward to - which is the router IP address, and the PC IP address when its directly connected to modem

Direct connection everything is working, which means, everything is fine on modem end

After that on my router I forward the port to which is my PCs IP address when its connected via wireless.

I also have UPNP enabled, which recognizes azureus, but still torrents stay yellow!!
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