What the heck... You are saying something on the first para then you yourself are opposing it in the 2 points that you wrote.
I tell you what, the legislations, cases, rules, bills etc take a long time in India. And those rules are mostly in favor of the one that have money to spend. You are being so naive in your assumption that those telecom companies would protect your interests once they get there way.
In case whatever you said is implemented then I have no doubt that the telecom companies would use this loophole to there advantage. And you or anybody else won't be able to do anything about that. We all know how bad FUP is.
Do you know who introduced that?
Your loving airtel did.
We all know it's wrong. There is no such thing in foreign countries. But, just because of pure greed and power nobody including you could stop airtel from implementing that.
Looking at there track records, why should the situation be allowed to get out of our hands?
I don't trust the telecom companies. I dont want them to tell me what to use and what not. I want to take that decision myself. I want to keep it simple. I don't want to give a single extra penny to those thugs.
Flipkart went back on its decession to support airtel. They did it for a reason. It's because they knew it was wrong in the long term.
If the telecom companies are so concerned about providing its consumers cheap or low cost internet. Then just reduce the price of your ridiculous internet plans. And improve your pathetic speed for everything. That set.
Why should I give even a single penny extra for those shitty services provided by the telecom operators?
The OTT players earn money because they have made the product or app. And the users are buying the bandwidth or internet plan from there own money to access those apps. So, what's the problem with it?
The telecom operators are getting paid for the internet or data already. Just because of greed or because of gullible people like you who are willing to believe them, I am not ready to take the risk. Nor I need too.
And yes I don't care about people sleeping hungry on roads. For that the government is there. We pay huge taxes to them. They need to do there work. For you I can't just being those hungry poor people home and start to take care of them.
Be practical. Everybody does what is right for him or his family. And I dont see anything right in what airtel is trying to do.
Care to explain on what two points I am contradicting myself on? I suggest reading through my entire post again because it is very clear that you did not go through it before you went rambling.
Regarding your arguments. Data limit based trotting (as we know it as FUP) exists in most countries (including US) and its implemented in a more practical manner. Airtel and other ISPs in India merely took it to a stupid level as a means to improve their profits. Even the newly introduced net neutrality rules in US do not address usage based throttling. They only prohibit discriminative throttling
As for regulation, I don't trust the telecom companies and I don't trust the govt to the same extent. Any extensive legislation on the subject even if it looks in favour of net neutrality or in favour of end users initially is going to be full of loopholes that are going to be abused by telecom operators though ambiguous interpretations. Any regulatory framework put in place should be light weight and of limited scope. Do you know that in US, the legislation that ISPs have used for getting concessions while building their high speed internet backbone is the same legislation under which net neutrality is being proposed and the same legislation using which telecom operators are going to use to fight against the net neutrality rules and it is a telecom legislation that was drafted in 1935. Fat laws are easy bend and abuse as required.
Further, understand that Net neutrality has nothing to do with the N different ways the ISP's are screwing customers or about bringing in legislation for doing justice to the customer. It is only about equality of data.
And yeah, please stop using the term OTT. There is no such thing as OTT. Every service provider is paying for the cost for using the network. Nobody is free riding the networks as they make it to be. So there is no OTT.
You are beyond naive if you think Flipkart pulled out of Zero because its "wrong" in the long run. Lets not overrate Flipkart or its management. The sole reason they pulled out is because "right now" their app is being down voted to oblivion with 1 star ratings and it makes prudent business sense to pull out immediately.
As for the Zero program itself, as I said, in its current form, there is no violation of net neutrality. The ISP is charging money whether you browse Flipkart or amazon or snapdeal. The fact that a service provider is paying for your bandwidth does not make it a violation of neutrality as long as the ISP is not discriminating in the quality of service. Business practices and ethics of service providers have nothing to do with net neutrality. if there there is a bad anti-competitive business practice in play here, it is in my view still outside the scope of net neutrality. I am not saying that Zero like programs are desirable, but that they have nothing to do with net neutrality. Don't mix unrelated stuff and try to bring in regulations because that is going to backfire in the long run.