Network characteriser


We're working on a characteriser...basically we need to:
1) construct packets,
2)send them to a known IP
3)send them back from the receiver to the sender
4)measure packet loss and delay in this loop
5)find the correlation between the loss and delay
6)repeat steps 1 to 4 and based on step 6 find the best path's characteristics(i.e loop with the least delay)
7)if possible find ways to find out the cause of the loss and delay

If anybody can provide any assistance, any ideas regarding how this can be implemented.please do!

thanks a lot,
sambhram far we only have a packet generator.its called iperf.

we have been able to measure pkt delay and pkt loss.

1)first configuring one comp as the client and the other as server, then reversing the config of the two comps we've measured delay of pkts and their loss in the loop.

2)is there a way for the receiver to automatically mirror back the pkts received by it to the sender?

3) we have also been looking up methods to find correlation between packet loss and delay. We need to code this part of the project.

4)We plan to apply this algorithm( not found yet!) to several loops, i.e between various IPs and thus characterize the underlying network...

So, it would be very helpful if you could suggest some algos for the characterisation, and some way to mirror the packets back to the sender without us having to switch the configurations of the sender and receiver manually...

