Network hardware requirements

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What kind of network hardware does a server running over a LAN need to have to be able to handle large amounts of data transfers (around 300 - 400 GB) daily running 24/7?

I mean say a PC is being run as a server over a LAN and has just the standard NIC (built into the mobo maybe), performance would be severely affected wudnt it?

If the above is too vague, let me know n I can try to clarify.
you didnt mention how many user going to access it.

Based on number of user you may have to look for server/PC with RAID or high performance disk drive. If you have very limited user (5-10) then you can simply by external casing which has LAN support and hook to network.

best and easy soln to me.
Number of users could be as high as 200 at a time but realistically about 50.

Yeah the drives probably need to be on RAID, but here i was asking bout the network card requirements not bout the disk drive..

But yeah need help about the RAID configurations of the disks also..

Any links to guides on that would be gud too..

Also which disk drives would be best to go for.. say in the range of 1000 GB.

Sorry to bump this up b4 24 hours are up but really need some help.. Have absolutely no idea bout what kind of stuff goes into setting up a server like i described above..

Any help would be greatly appreciated..
You would be better off geting multiple Network cards and bridging them so as to be able to handle data more effeciently . you definately need two high speed 10k rpm drives on raid stripe with a fast processor at helm . and a good mobo and PSU , redundant power is possible .
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