There is something I don't understand here. Theoretically, in any vote or poll, one person should only be allowed to vote once. Anything more than that should be considered cheating.
There is no doubt that Taj is a great monument, and I absolutely love it, but how ethical is it to cheat and do not so good things to save something you love? Please do not overstep your boundaries, of course it is not wrong to vote multiple times, maybe 2-3 times, but creating temporary inboxes etc. for that kind of thing - to give votes by the tens, hundreds, THOUSANDS - I find this to be borderline illegal. The cause may be good, but the method is not.
We cannot blame anyone for the lack of Internet connectivity in India, but we cannot vote for others! The poll asks for an unbiased view of what you think is the most beautiful monument, so out of loyalty one should not be forced to select Taj! If you really like something else better, then you should vote for that one.
I have not voted in this poll at all (not yet) at the moment...