New 7 Wonders - vote for TAJ MAHAL

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On 7th July 2007, the world will get its new 7 wonders. Taj Mahal is also in the list of total 21 probables. So please vote for TAJ MAHAL.

To vote log onto the following link:

n7w: Register Vote

Just register with your email Id and vote for TAJ MAHAL including 6 other candidates.
There is something I don't understand here. Theoretically, in any vote or poll, one person should only be allowed to vote once. Anything more than that should be considered cheating.

There is no doubt that Taj is a great monument, and I absolutely love it, but how ethical is it to cheat and do not so good things to save something you love? Please do not overstep your boundaries, of course it is not wrong to vote multiple times, maybe 2-3 times, but creating temporary inboxes etc. for that kind of thing - to give votes by the tens, hundreds, THOUSANDS - I find this to be borderline illegal. The cause may be good, but the method is not.

We cannot blame anyone for the lack of Internet connectivity in India, but we cannot vote for others! The poll asks for an unbiased view of what you think is the most beautiful monument, so out of loyalty one should not be forced to select Taj! If you really like something else better, then you should vote for that one.

I have not voted in this poll at all (not yet) at the moment...
Darth_Infernus said:
There is something I don't understand here. Theoretically, in any vote or poll, one person should only be allowed to vote once. Anything more than that should be considered cheating.

There is no doubt that Taj is a great monument, and I absolutely love it, but how ethical is it to cheat and do not so good things to save something you love? Please do not overstep your boundaries, of course it is not wrong to vote multiple times, maybe 2-3 times, but creating temporary inboxes etc. for that kind of thing - to give votes by the tens, hundreds, THOUSANDS - I find this to be borderline illegal. The cause may be good, but the method is not.

We cannot blame anyone for the lack of Internet connectivity in India, but we cannot vote for others! The poll asks for an unbiased view of what you think is the most beautiful monument, so out of loyalty one should not be forced to select Taj! If you really like something else better, then you should vote for that one.

I have not voted in this poll at all (not yet) at the moment...

^^ Very well put .. hats off mate! I agree with you completely.

If the TAJ should win, let it win on pure merit. The idea to cheat simply shows you have no faith in your own monuments :P
I encourage everyone to vote, but cheating - i'm afraid NOT !
lol i think i have voted more than 2 times in this poll .....

anyways i am ready to cheat for this good cause :P ....

Why do they require our email address

They could SPAM us you know........

I think I have enough of junk mails.....

wont give out more now..........
iosoft said:
Voted ages ago...... lol
When this pol will end !!??
July 7th 2007

frm the site: "The New 7 Wonders of the World will be announced during the Official Declaration ceremony in Lisbon, Portugal on Saturday, July 7, 2007 - 07.07.07. "

this thing came day before yesterday on NDTV as a special feature show. One guy from the indian government said the votes are not enough and every indian should vote for Taj to be in the race. so forget about ethics , just keep voting because once Taj is gone, this kind of voting process will never be there afterwards.
Get the beggars off the road and I'll vote. I've seen foreigners hold their stomachs in disgust when a 15yr old boy with a missing hand starts touching them for money when they were just about to take that perfect shot of the monument.

If not, no. Taj Mahal is a wonder only good for Indians used to such stuff. Don't vote. If it loses, good for them, it'll save them nightmares.
heh i dont care if some international publication says its a seven wonder or not ...taj mahal is a wonder no matter who says wat
Darth_Infernus said:
There is something I don't understand here. Theoretically, in any vote or poll, one person should only be allowed to vote once. Anything more than that should be considered cheating.

/me +
Well said!


...after careful consideration, the New7Wonders Foundation designates the Pyramids of Giza—the only remaining of the 7 Ancient Wonders of the World—as an Honorary New7Wonders Candidate.

Therefore, you cannot vote for the Pyramids of Giza as part of the New7Wonders campaign.

Interesting :) Egypt, it's once place I really want to visit, although the terrain doesn't look too inviting - anyone here to negate the feeling? :P

As for the votes, uh-oh, the whole "top 7" kind of exercise never made too much sense to me (in the sense that I don't quite get the point of such a classification :huh:), and my sense of taste is severely under developed, so it's likely that I will refrain from voting at all. :|
@params7, u r even in ur senses wen u say dat. if the foreigners don't care for that boy, dey cn **** ***
the pyramids are natural wonders ...of course , you gotta read about architecture and people and astronomy to appreciate it :) ...
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