New Basic Laptop Required


  • What's your Budget?

  • What will be your primary usage for the notebook be?

web surfing. casual gaming, downloading, office apps, movie watching
  • What size and weight considerations do you have?

  • Any brand that you prefer, or any brand that you detest?

asus, toshiba, lenovo in cronology
  • Any other considerations?

not much

had few laptops in mind

b940 based @24500

a6 based @ 28700

i3 igb gpu @ 29500

kindly advise others also...
@ darkangle is hd3000 enough to handle casual games.. i was choosing better gpu over slightly weeker cpu.. any thoughts??/
The Asus laptop with Sabine platform will be the best bet for gaming and multimedia needs.​

Otehr than that laptop performance is on par whether irrespective of chips used. IINM the Asus laptop has Dual graphics enabled so even better performance in games.​
# dark star i was also thinking so... i have heard many good reviews abt a6 quad core.. donno how it will perform.. any first hand experience???
^^Have used the Sabine platform in Samsung 3 series with A4 (Dual Graphics) and performance was very good.

The system was snappier and carried out task with ease, gaming was also decent. Battery life was over 5 house idle and around ~4 hours with general use (6cell - 55wh).