New build advice needed for new PC 20-25K

Cooler Master eLite 370 ~1900/- is the least you can pull back to, after that it really is not worth it getting a branded cabinet as the SMPS gets shifted to the top of the cabinet, which is not a good place as newer SMPS with downward facing fan will dump hot air, directly on the CPU, not good.

OK. Well, since there is only 200/- difference between CM case and the NZXT case that was suggested earlier, better to go for the NZXT one.

The B3 affix is attached for the purpose of differentiating between older B1 stepping chips which had issues with respect to detecting hard drives and SATA port controllers, for more on the same --> http://gigabytedaily...t-issues-q.html / / http://www.expertrev...boards-in-april.

Do not worry, as almost all current stocks of motherboards are new -B3 revisions.

Oh OK, thanks for that.

Any idea how to distinguish a B3 board from non-B3 one? Because you never know with the shopkeepers.. they may try to sell a non-B3 one

I think it will be mentioned on the box... something like BOXDH67BLB3 .. got this from Intel site.

Do you plan to put any PCI expansion cards later down the line, Receiver and LAN cards, Audio cards, TV Tuners et al. If you plan to ave nay of these cards down the line, get the DH67-CL instead of the -BL.

I don't intend to use TV Tuner or audio cards. And unless the on-board LAN goes off for some reason(which happened with my earlier mobo) .. I wont need a LAN card too. Unless I decide to get a wireless one. So, I think BLB3 will be OK.

If there is not much of a difference between mATX and ATX boards, why do they even make both? o_O

Thanks a lot for that

The Seagate Barracuda 7200.12 500GB ~4000/- will be the best bet for you Sire. It performs close to the Western Digital Black Edition drive and doesn't demand that you pay a price premium.
Is it SATA 3.0, or 2.0 ?

Well, in case of myself, I have seen Seagate drives fail a lot recently.. but they atleast give the chance to recover most of the data back.

I would go for WD drive, but the partition alignment hassle required for XP is creating doubts in mind.

Lets see. I have a 160 Gb Seagate SATA with me already. So, I may hold off buying the hard drive for later... will try to find out more. Although I badly need space.

There is a member here from Indore he will be able to guide you better --> http://www.techencla...43867-lionking/, drop him a PM.

Yea, JuggA mentioned him earlier, and I searched him in the member list. So, I got hold of the right person after all. I sent a PM to him yesterday, but haven't received a reply yet. I hope he replies soon. Thanks.

Any idea which UPS to go for? I had bought Microtek Heritage+ 600, but I haven't been satisfied with it. The first battery failed soon, and never gave enough time. The replacement that I got from Microtek service centre too did not perform well, and within a few months, it was dead, and not giving any backup at all. And now, I discovered that it has blown, and it might be the cause for the burnt and dead mobo.. grrrr.

Should I go for a battery of any other company, or go for a new UPS altogether?

Thanks for all the help from everyone.. been really lucky to find this forum. I don't know where were you hiding this forum all this time
Go for APC 600VA @ 2k although I can't justify its cost till date.

And, about lionking, he's very less active on this forum (it seems so), but I'll inform him about your need through another forum.
Hey Anupam,

Scoring NZXT in Indore is impossible... go for Bitfenix merc Alpha its for ~2.5k...

Also you cant buy Corsair stuff here... unless you want to kiss reasonable prices & after sales service goodbye!!!

Its like buying an Asus motherboard in Kolkata - FULL OF PAIN!

Switch to Cooler Master in case of PSU - that is the right choice in Indore, you can still risk buying corsair - that is your wish.

You should check prices with Infocus @ Silvermall Lower ground floor- green shop.

Im PMing you my no. call me 1ce before going to the shop so ill talk to the person concerned there so u get decent prices.

Ill give you the no of the guy when u call so u dont have problem finding the shop!!...

Hey --lIoNkInG-- , thanks a lot for your reply. At last!

Maybe times have changed? Do you know of Sigma shop in the lower ground floor of Silver Mall? I buy components from there mainly.. well, until now. There, I took quotations about some of the components, before I started to post in forums, regarding the configuration I wanted.

I had asked for CoolerMaster, and he himself had suggested Corsair 430 W, and quoted the price as Rs 2450/- .. I think that's reasonable? Because, I saw the online shopping sites having more price.

Also, few months ago, when were searching for a power supply for a friend, we had come across a shop in Silver Mall itself, but towards the Manas Bhavan side. The shop is known to keep quality PSUs, and chassis. There too, I remember them showing us Corsair PSUs. So, I think Corsair might be available at reasonable prices in Indore too, with ASS?. I will go to that shop once again to inquire about the price and after sales service. The shop had a nice collection of chassis too, and I remember them showing us a number of high priced chassis. But, of course, I was not so knowledgeable about them, or the PSUs. So, if I am in luck, I may get NZXT there? I will inquire. If its not available, I will inquire about good ATX chassis, where the PSU will be bottom mounted.

2.5K chassis will be costly for me. Any other chassis you can suggest? How about Cooler Master which ALPHA17 suggested?

I think I might have come seen Infocus, although I never went there. I think its on the same floor as Sigma, and DB Infotech. DB Infotech have reasonable prices, but its a shame, they do not assemble computers.

Many thanks for your help... will call you today
Hi guys, am back again. Haven't bought the computer yet. Was waiting initially to have a meet with lionking, but, unfortunately, it didn't materialize. We both have been busy of sorts. Anyways, he did tell me about two shops that I could consider to buy from. I was quite busy these past days, so could not get time to go and get quotations.

Today however, I went to get quotations from the shops, and to see what's available from the configuration suggested here. Here is what I got.

Processor : i3-2120 is available... but i3-2125 is not. I would have gone for that if it was available. Anyways, i3-2120 is good enough.
I should ask for a boxed processor, right? Priced at 6700/-

Motherboard : Going for DH67CL-B3. I don't mind paying the extra bucks for it. Priced at Rs. 5650/-

However, the shopkeeper said that it was not boxed, but OEM. Is that OK? What's boxed and OEM btw?

RAM : I asked for Corsair 4 GB. The one shop I asked from, he insisted on buying G-Skill 4 GB. I had not heard about this make earlier, and so I was in doubt. I asked for Corsair, but he would not quote it at all. Kept insisting on G-Skill, and said that it comes with a 10 year warranty, and also performed better than Corsair and all. He quoted 4 GB at Rs. 1500/-

However, the shop where I will be probably buying from quoted Corsair 4 GB at Rs. 1650/-. This was he told for CMX model(dont know what that is). When I said that it was a bit pricey, then he told that he will offer Corsair Value at Rs. 1275/-. Looking back at the thread, I noticed that Corsair Value Select was the one suggested to me by the members here. So, I think I will go with Corsair Value Select 4 GB.

How is G-Skill RAM btw? From a little search that I did, I came to know that it's quite good too. Anyways, most probably, I will go with Corsair.

PSU : Corsair CX430 V2. Priced at Rs. 2450/-.

However, on going through some forum threads today, I noticed that this model was not available presently in market, or was difficult to get? Is it so? The shop from where I will take, said that it will most probably be available.

In case it's not available, which one should I go for? Which model of Cooler Master will you guys suggest?

The other shop was telling about Seasonic. Is it a good model?

Cabinet : CM Elite 310. Priced at Rs. 1950/-

This was suggested here. However, in this model, I noticed that the PSU is top mounted, whereas I think that bottom mounted would be better? Going by that, I asked for CM Elite 370, but it's not available. The shopkeeper even asked its distributor, and that guy told there is no such model ... sheesh :O ... can you believe that? Such is the state of the market.

I had also noted down alternate models suggested here by different members .. like NZXT Source Elite 210, CM Elite 370, BitFenix Merc Alpha. But, unfortunately, none of these are available. The other shop was suggesting ThermalTake to me. How is that one? The market can be quite frustrating at times, because they only keep what is popular, and what they know about(which is little). Many times you have to compromise on things...pffft.

Any other model which will be easily available, and with bottom mounted PSU that you guys can suggest? If not, I will have to go with top mounted PSU.. CM Elite 310.

HDD : 500 GB. Both Seagate and WD are priced at Rs. 4000/-
This is the component I am confused about. Should I go for Seagate or WD? Members here are divided on the opinion too, and so am I. Which would be better? I have not had good experience with Seagate lately, and so I was reluctant to go for it, but some members here suggest that it's good.
Would have gone for WD, but I plan to use Windows XP, and for XP, the drives have to be "aligned". That's where I am doubtful.
Help me out here guys.

DVD-RW : LG. Priced at Rs. 1000/-

Is good? Both shops suggested LG. How is Samsung compared to LG?


So, here is the quotation summary that I got, from the shop which I think I will buy from.

CPU : i3-2120 - Rs. 6700/-

Motherboard : DH67CL-B3 - Rs. 5650/-.
Is it priced OK? Because last time I went for quotation a few months ago, he priced 5300/-. Have the prices increased? If not, I will tell him to put the last quoted price.

RAM : Corsair Value Select 4 GB - Rs. 1275/-

PSU : Corsair CX430 V2 - Rs. 2450/-

Cabinet : CM Elite 310 - Rs. 1950/-

HDD : 500 GB - Rs. 4000/- (Model yet to decide)

DVD-RW : LG - Rs. 1000/-

Keyboard/Mouse : Logitech combo - Rs. 700/-

Total : 23,725/- (Great enough!)


The other shop, which Lionking had suggested. I first went to it. But, I was quite put off by it, because the guy there was just not listening to me at all, and insisted on quoting what he thought was best.

For motherboard and CPU, he quoted them jointly. He just noted Intel 67, and would not tell me which individual processor he quoted. Just quoted the price of combo. So, I have no clue what i3 processor he quoted me for, and wouldn't even tell me.

Then, for RAM, he kept insisting on G-Skill, and won't quote Corsair at all.

For PSU and cabinet.. again, he didn't quote them individually. Kept insisting on Seasonic. CX430 V2 was not available with him.
Also, for cabinet, he insisted on Thermaltake... whatever that is. Then, when I said I wanted a bottom mounted PSU chassis.. he quoted for CM 360 plus don't know what PSU at 5200/-. Way expensive.

Because of the above reasons, I decided to reject the shop, because I don't want to go there, and get products which I do not want.

The other shop too was suggested by lionking, and I have been taking components from that shop since long, and they quoted good enough, and so I decided I will buy from there. The quotations I posted in a list are from there only.

So, please answer my queries so that I can finalize the config, and buy the system soon :). Thanks for all the wonderful help :). I really appreciate it.

I also wanted to buy a headphone/mic combo. Which model is good? Intex is no good at all... tried that. Bought iball last time and found it OK, not great. Any other model?
Hi all... any particular reason why there are no answers being posted to this thread? Moderators, if there is a problem, do let me know.

I may have written a big post above, but the queries I asked are only a few, and short ones. I would really appreciate any help. If need be, I can put up the queries in a short list.
Hey... don't panic. It seems you have answer's to "most" of your querries and have found out "most" of the components that fit's into your budget.

Regarding RAM - Go for G.Skill - It's the best & although a wee bit more expensive will give you trouble free performance over the years.

Boxed vs OEM - Go for the boxed versions.
- OEM's (cheaper) are generally packaged in sealed plastic coverings & purchased by bulk consumer's (HP; Dell; Offices; Over-Clocker's - they may not contain the CPU cooler; and additional cables & generally warranties are of a shorter duration).
- A "Boxed" version gives you everything that is needed (including better warranties)
A boxed intel processor vs. a tray - CPUs - CPU-Components

PSU - Seasonic is one of the topmost brands

Cabinet - Thermaltake; NZXT; Corsair & Cooler Master are all reputed brands (Avoid V.I.P; i-Ball brands)

Proc - You can look at the Intel G620 which is nearly half the price.
Few minor features missing and slightly lower clocks, but nothing you will notice.
i3 2125 only has a better IGP than the 2120, nothing else.

Motherboard - OEM boards are usually bare. No manuals and extra bits.
Most importantly, they tend to have only 1 yr warranty instead of 3 yr like retail boxed.. check this part.

RAM - Gskill is good. But I dont think they have "value" sticks here, only the premium sticks.

PSU - Corsair CX 430 V2 should be available. Avoid VS 450.
Seasonic S12II 430 is much better built.
Corsair's only advantage is after-sales, but as per lionking, even that is not existent in your place.
Only good Coolermaster is the GX450. But its 3.5k+.

Cabinet - top or bottom mounted is fine.
Top has the advantage of exhausting hot air from the system, but your PSU will run hotter.
Motherboards are also organised for cables coming from the top.
Bottom mounted draws in fresh cool air for the PSU, but in India this usually also means dust from the floor.

HDD - yes WD drives have to be aligned in XP.
If its not your boot drive, then this shouldnt be a problem.. if it is, you will need to align it before installing the OS!
Seagate has a newer 7200.14 series which is even quicker.
No drive is reliable. Just install SMART monitoring tools and keep monitoring.

Optical drive - get anything. no big difference.

Headphone/mic combos, usually hard to get good sounding combos.
Altec lansing might have something.
Phew! Finally some replies ... thanks guys! ... really appreciated :).

Yes, most of my queries have been answered, and almost all components have been finalized. It's just that I need to confirm a few things before I go in for the final purchase. I tend to make sure everything is in order.

Processor - I think I will go with i3-2120 only. Best choice. Processor is available boxed, so its not a problem.

Motherboard - The shop says they have OEM version of motherboard. So, I am in confusion for that now. Should I ask for a boxed motherboard from somewhere else?

RAM - I think I will go with Corsair value stick. Still a good brand, and reliable, and also cheaper. And it was also suggested by the members here.

PSU - If Corsair CX430 V2 is available it would be just great.
Anything above 3000/- will be costly for me. Thanks for the suggestions for the PSUs.. I will have some choice available :).

HDD - Yea, the aligning seems to be the problem in WD drives for XP. Otherwise I would have gone for it. I think I will give Seagate another try. Dont know if the newer 7200.14 drives will be available. Can't say anything about the market here.

Thanks for the really helpful replies :).

Any other tips for final purchase and assembly?

I should ask them for all components to be shown to me before they assemble, right? And also get the PC assembled before me. And all components opened from their packages before me, yes?

I am a bit worried about the motherboard.. if I don't get boxed one. CL-B3 will be clearly marked on the motherboard? I wouldn't want just the CL version :O ..

Thanks again :)
Find out what is missing in the OEM bundle and what the warranty period is.
If its a 3 yr warranty, then its ok.
They might remove essential items like SATA cables.
Driver disks or manuals aren't important.

Yes, they should show you all the components.
And they will assemble the basic components i.e. CPU, Motherboard, RAM, PSU and do a power-on test.
HDD, you can go home and do a full format. It will report any bad sectors.
If theres no box, you just need to check the AA code ( G10212-204 ) on the barcode pasted on your motherboard.
Find out what is missing in the OEM bundle and what the warranty period is.
If its a 3 yr warranty, then its ok.
They might remove essential items like SATA cables.
Driver disks or manuals aren't important.

Yes, they should show you all the components.
And they will assemble the basic components i.e. CPU, Motherboard, RAM, PSU and do a power-on test.
HDD, you can go home and do a full format. It will report any bad sectors.

Intel® 6 Series Chipset Boards &mdash; Identifying B2 and B3 chipset versions of Intel® Desktop Boards
If theres no box, you just need to check the AA code ( G10212-204 ) on the barcode pasted on your motherboard.

Thanks a lot for the really helpful reply Jarod .. much appreciated. This will really help me.

BTW, the link needs to be corrected .. is missing towards the front, because of which it does not open. I was able to open the link though, by prefixing with Thanks :).