NEW Case Build

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This Saturday my friend gave me surprise a TEC.


He didn’t know about the wattage of the TEC but sure that it was a 12volt one. So I did some testing.
A test run of 5 sec with a PC PSU and amp meter on 12v line show that this piece draws about 10amps of current , and in just 5 sec of power the cooled side of TEC was chilling.

So it is a 96watts 12volt TEC.. Cool for my i7 2600K..
Now have to do something with this.. first thought of making a Chiller..but 96w is not sufficient to cool the water inside the present loop.
So thought to place it directly on to the CPU and use water cooling for hot side of TEC.
But current CPU block can’t handle 95W of CPU + 96 W of TEC totals to about 200 Watts of thermal load. So need to make a new water block.. worked whole Sunday and made this.. it’s still not complete yet.. just the socket plate have to be finished.






Hope you like this.. will update more soon.
Rakesh Sharma
rakesh_sharma23 said:
Cutting by hand and filling to final shape...


I remember cutting acrylic with a hacksaw once and I could not get a straight line cut :(

Any tips & tricks that you could share to ensure smooth and perfectly perpendicular cuts. Any special blades to be used?

plz shape the types of blades used for such sharp cutting and holes :D

ICan't even cut c wood straight :(
For good straight line cutting,

First draw proper layout using good geometrical scale.

Second one has to hold rigid the piece of wood or acrylic so that it should not move or shack while you are cutting. In my case I tighten the acrylic sheet into my table vice.

Use fine teeth blade for cutting acrylic, now put the blade over the cut line Start cutting slowly while making an 60 degree or less angle between blade and the cutting surface. Make sure blade is flowing the layout line with each movement..

**Different type of blades are used for different type of substance. **

Keep you speed very slow..

Result will be a good straight line cutting,

In the end I will add “Practice makes a man perfect.”

Rakesh Sharma
Chanced upon this from your other thread. This is holy **** ! Infact, it's better than a holy **** ! :O
Amazing stuff man. :clapping:
Hey you can also use a colour LCD instead of the 16x2 you are using if the control is through a microcontroller.

Also available are the ones used in good ol Nokia phones like 3310. These are very easy to control and look far more attractive.
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