New Firefox, Mozilla Versions Fix Open Browser Holes


The other two fixes (involving Wrapped" javascript: urls and "non-DOM property overrides" also address bypasses of security checks involving javascript: URLs.

Security updates are getting to be a common occurrence with Firefox and Mozilla. This update is the fourth addressing 32 security holes in 2005.

As with all the other recent security fixes, the new versions are not patches but complete new versions that must be completely downloaded and installed through normal program installation means. Firefox 1.0.4 for Windows is a 4.7MB download.
Firefox for Windows users can obtain the update using the Tools-Options dialog. Click the Advanced button on the left and locate the Software Update section.

Releated Stories :<ul>[*]Firefox 1.04 Released!
[*]Mozilla Foundation Reply To The Latest Security Concerns
[*]Mozilla Firefox Two Vulnerabilities
[*]Just How Secure Is Firefox ?[/list]
Despite the fact that security flaws were found, the Mozilla Foundation's approach is fundamentally different. Mozilla releases their products assuming that bugs and security flaws will be found, and more than that, they encourage people to try to find those flaws so they can be fixed sooner. Microsoft misleads consumers by convincing them that on release their software is bug free and invulnerable to attacks. This is of course false, and when such holes are found they are quietly dealt with and forgotten. The Mozilla Foundation recognizes that no piece of software is perfect, and acts accordingly. Despite the fact that security flaws are found in both applications, their methods of dealing with those flaws is fundamentally different.

So, I guess no more FF bashing! Peace!

The Deadly One...