New glass

Erm, do you really find 50mm a good FL on a crop-sensor camera? I mean, don't get me wrong, I like my 50/1.4s as much as the next guy, but I find myself using a 16-50 or 18-55 zoom much more often.
Erm, do you really find 50mm a good FL on a crop-sensor camera? I mean, don't get me wrong, I like my 50/1.4s as much as the next guy, but I find myself using a 16-50 or 18-55 zoom much more often.
The 50mm are great for portraits. But Bhairav trust me, if you want to improve your basics of composition and framing, nothing like the 50mm primes. Me and Brendon (BF1983) have used it in entirety in some MWS shoots. Like the old timers say "It makes you do the hard-work!!"
^ I agree, I agree. I've learned using them as well, only questioning the utility of that focal length on a crop sensor, that's all.

Too short for portraits for me, YMMV. Oh well, sorry for the OT.

What's MWS btw?