21-30k New guy hey hi build help

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Gigabyte ga z77p d3
Price 7400 inr /rs
I put this in the list since its cheap and has good enough features only lacks sli which I won't need
As compared to these two below its almost the same right?
asrock Extreame 4 Z77
Price 10500 inr
Is it good enough?? Does it have good service is it better then these two it has sexy features though I like them but is it really that good ?? Never used one
And any clue how's it's service in India??
vs Asus P8 z77m
10000 price inr
Well it doesn't have as many features as it should for it's price but what would youl say bout this
I'm gettin a i7 3770k heavy gfx work n gaming
And 8gb gskill
See I have my eye on the gigabyte one since its cheap and has all the features needed I suppose??
Rest two r expensive as compared but are they worth the money
I like asrock but are they really that good ? Quality matters
I'm confused like ****
I can't pick can someone tell me which one to go for and why ?? Please
There's a difference of 2.5 to 3000 inr / rs in these three
But I'd like the best for this motherboard
I already have a amd card and tuff so that's all cool only this thing ain't

I need all this
Good quality good performance and good service
I'm from Mumbai India

It's like I'm getting a i7 3770k and 8gb of ram and well I just wanna get the maximum juice out of it u know be able to run it at its max stock no not over lock it since I might screw it up
Please help me pick a board

I like asrock Extreame 4 good features but I heard the quality is bad at times n service is bad I mean I don't know which to pick
Ga z77mx dam so many well I'd like to spend 10k or less on the board since I'm getting short on money can anyone suggest the best place to buy all this I'm gettin i7 3770k for like 21200
Wel any cheaper place

Thank you
Gigabyte ga z77p d3
Price 7400 inr /rs
I put this in the list since its cheap and has good enough features only lacks sli which I won't need
As compared to these two below its almost the same right?
asrock Extreame 4 Z77
Price 10500 inr
Is it good enough?? Does it have good service is it better then these two it has sexy features though I like them but is it really that good ?? Never used one
And any clue how's it's service in India??
vs Asus P8 z77m
10000 price inr
Well it doesn't have as many features as it should for it's price but what would youl say bout this
I'm gettin a i7 3770k heavy gfx work n gaming
And 8gb gskill
See I have my eye on the gigabyte one since its cheap and has all the features needed I suppose??
Rest two r expensive as compared but are they worth the money
I like asrock but are they really that good ? Quality matters
I'm confused like ****
I can't pick can someone tell me which one to go for and why ?? Please
There's a difference of 2.5 to 3000 inr / rs in these three

But I'd like the best for this motherboard
I already have a amd card and tuff so that's all cool only this thing ain't

I need all this
Good quality good performance and good service
I'm from Mumbai India

It's like I'm getting a i7 3770k and 8gb of ram and well I just wanna get the maximum juice out of it u know be able to run it at its max stock no not over lock it since I might screw it up
Please help me pick a board

I like asrock Extreame 4 good features but I heard the quality is bad at times n service is bad I mean I don't know which to pick
Ga z77mx dam so many well I'd like to spend 10k or less on the board since I'm getting short on money can anyone suggest the best place to buy all this I'm gettin i7 3770k for like 21200
Wel any cheaper place

Thank you

Q: What is your budget?
30 to 34k

Q: What is your existing hardware configuration (component name - component brand and model)

GPU - ATI 5670 ddr5' Asus


Monitor - Acer 20inch
SMPS - Corsair VX430 v2

(please mention the rest in above format)

Q: Which hardware will you be keeping (component name - component brand and model)
Monitor - acer 20
SMPS - Corsair VX430v2
(please mention the rest in above format)

Q: Which hardware component are you looking to buy (component name). If you have already decided on a configuration then please mention the (component brand and model) as well, this will help us in fine tuning your requirement.
CPU - i7 3770k
Gskill 8gb stick
Nzxt elite 210
Motherboard - confused

(please mention the rest in above format)

Q: Is this going to be your final configuration or you would be adding/upgrading a component in near future. If yes then please mention when and which component
Yes, will upgrade the following within 6 months
Gpu to something which will be out then

Q: Where will you buy this hardware? (Online/City/TE Dealer)
Open to online purchase
Anywhere cheaper then lamington

Q: Would you consider buying a second hand hardware from the TE market


Q: What is your intended use for this PC/hardware
Desktop Processing
Download rig, 24x7 operation
Watching HD movies
animation n 3d work

Q: Do you have any brand preference or dislike? Please name them and the reason for your preference/dislike.
Do not want to buy XYZ company product as I heard the after sales service in India is pathetic

Asrock I heard has bad service but I'm not sure
Nor am I sure about gigabyte or Asus

Q: If you will be playing games then which type of games will you be playing?
Strategy - Civilization 4
Racing - Grid at medium to high settings
Gta v ,metro , Crysis 3

Q: What is your preferred monitor resolution for gaming and normal usage
Gaming - 1600x900
Desktop - 1600x900

Q: Are you looking to overclock?
No but later might

Q: Which operating system do you intend to use with this configuration?
Windows 7 64 bit
Intel i5 3570K-17.5k OR i5 2500K-13k
AS ROCK Extreme 4-10k OR Asus P8Z77-M PRO-12.5k
Gskill RipjawsX 4X2GB 1600mhz-3.5k OR Corsair XMS3 4X2GB 1600mhz-3.5k
Sapphire HD7750-7.5k[For gaming] OR Sapphire HD7770 ghz-9.5k
Nzxt Gamma-2.4k
Noctua NH-U12P SE2-4k OR Cooler Master Hyper 212 EVO-2.1k[For overclocking the processor]
If you don't want to overclock-
Intel i5 3550-13.5k OR i5 2400-10.5k
Intel DH77KC-7k OR Intel DH67BL-B3-5.6k
Rest as above.
You haven't mentioned HDD in your existing config so if you don't have one then get Segate 500GB 7200rpm-3.8k
Hope this helps.:)
Intel i5 3570K-17.5k OR i5 2500K-13k
AS ROCK Extreme 4-10k OR Asus P8Z77-M PRO-12.5k
Gskill RipjawsX 4X2GB 1600mhz-3.5k OR Corsair XMS3 4X2GB 1600mhz-3.5k
Sapphire HD7750-7.5k[For gaming] OR Sapphire HD7770 ghz-9.5k
Nzxt Gamma-2.4k

Hello thank you for ur quick and amazing reply but

I'm sorry I dent mention it
I have a hdd
A DVD writer keyboard mouse monitor power supply

My main thing is that I'm stuck on the motherboard I can't pick which one to get and If I get that why that ?
I need a z77 chipset !
And service is needed with motherboard the less the money the better say 10 k or less
Go for AS Rock Z77 Extreme 4-10k it's within your budget,Get Intel 2500K if you think the rig with graphics card is going out of budget and add a cooler later,Cheers.
Hello one more thing how's the service of asrock currently my friend had bought three boards of asrock Nd they all went bad after a month
I just need help please
The quality is good,Many members here have bought AS Rock extreme series mobo's.Don't have personal experience with AS Rock service myself but it's ok as i've heard.
Hello one more thing how's the service of asrock currently my friend had bought three boards of asrock Nd they all went bad after a month
I just need help please
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