Well the hathway chap just rang my door bell and forwarded this stuff.
Wanted to know am i missing something.
2mbps for say 700 with all taxes that too unlimited.
I dont trust hathway anymore as they were the one whose net i was using for contiguous 5 years and they were pushing same old speed my neck saying thats only you get for what you pay.Than i brought every chap of my building to MTNL and threw them out .
This deal really looks too much exciting though i have mailed them on their official id for more details.
Wanted to know am i missing something.
2mbps for say 700 with all taxes that too unlimited.
I dont trust hathway anymore as they were the one whose net i was using for contiguous 5 years and they were pushing same old speed my neck saying thats only you get for what you pay.Than i brought every chap of my building to MTNL and threw them out .
This deal really looks too much exciting though i have mailed them on their official id for more details.