Storage Solutions New Internal HDD suggestion - HDD upgrade project



I've been trying to make do with my PC's 80 GB SATA for about 4 years now(please don't fall off your chairs). I also have a maxtor basics 500GB EHDD which I use to store backups & all the media I have/ usually download.

Now this EHDD is full(2 GB free), so is my PC's internal HDD(4GB free). Hence the need for more space. Here is what I've decided:

I will upgrade my PC HDD to a new 1TB HDD. I've been leaning on the WD Caviar Black, but don't really understand how is it any better than WD Green or the Seagate Barracudas. Consider me a noob for all PC peripheral matters(although I know the basics on how the black is a better maxout performance drive while the green is energy efficient etc from

Can someone tell me how much of a difference there really is among these drives(not price, but features etc). Also, which one do you recommend for my specific case. I just want to have a huge internal HDD so I can peacefully use utorrent and not think about transferring/ deleting stuff to free up space for new content. I will use the existing 500GB Maxtor EHDD as a pure portable solution to be hooked up with, say a WD TV or to lug it around a friend's place to transfer stuff. I do not have the time or the graphics card to play heavy games on my PC, I do not use any photo editing software, I usually watch DVD rips on my PC, surf the web, use MS office for personal/ office stuff etc. and that's about it. My PC has an Intel chipset with an Intel c2d 2.2Ghz proc and 1 GB Ram(I plan to buy 2Gb more of RAM too) and I run Windows Xp.

Thanks in advance for all your recommendations. :)
m.a. said:
I just want to have a huge internal HDD so I can peacefully use utorrent and not think about transferring/ deleting stuff to free up space for new content.

You should get WD Green 1TB. Its quite, runs cool & serves your purpose of data dump/ downloading.

WD Black & Seagate 7200.12 will be faster but WD Black is most expensive of the three while Seagate has reduced warranty to three years...:mad:

So the best HDD to get is WD Green since you will not move data much & will more or less use it as a dump drive...
HailStonE said:
So the best HDD to get is WD Green since you will not move data much & will more or less use it as a dump drive...

Thanks for your reco HailStonE. I was reading about this on some other forums too and I think your suggestion makes a lot of sense: why waste money on performace for Caviar black when I would mostly dump data!

One other validation question - Is my decision/ thought process correct? I mean how about this solution: Buying a 200GB/ 320GB internal HDD(to retire the existing 80GB) and buying another 500GB/ 1TB external HDD for both portability as well as augmenting my PC's HDD space.
Are the prices of 500GB & 1TB internal & external HDDs similar(+ - 5to10%)? And if they are, wouldn't it be prudent to buy an external HDD rather than an internal one?

I'm sorry if I sound confused cos I really am:S. I just need the best solution for expanding my PC's puny 80GB HDD and to have more storage space to dump all the movies/ music/ TV series I download at the lowest cost! ;)
Buying a 250/320GB depends upon personal choice... But the cost/GB of these drives are very high compared to a 500GB/1TB HDD... So you have to decide depending on your need & data that you want to buy a 320GB one or not..

For your second doubt... Well external HDD's cost more than internal ones but you have the option to lug around your data wherever you go... So you have to decide between convenience (portability of your data) or price.... One thing to note is that external HDD's are still USB 2.0 which is very slow for data transfer.

Checkout the price difference here...
I also opted after reading bout around google for a WD 1th Green.

however am getting operating temperature of 44C . Anyone else using it have any idea what ideal temps are.

My other all HDDs are running at 33-35C which include 1tb and 500gb hdds
Ok, so now I am leaning more towards a 500GB/1TB internal drive. Obviously cos I need to download stuff and require primary storage.

Most definitely WD Caviar Green(not Caviar Black cos of the reasoning above & not Seagate cos of their messed up RMA and 3 years warranty).

Will probably look at another external drive later on when required.

Thanks guys!
^.. That's 3580/- Anyway can you bench the new EARS & put up a screenshot.. I am also interested but cannot find any reviews..

I know it will be slower than Seagate in read function but earlier Green (EADS) was faster in write/ file copy.... Hope WD kept it in newer EARS as well...