Budget 0-20k New laptop deals & advice please! Much appreciated :)

Ideally, searching for an entertainment budget laptop...

i use my laptop constantly for business and/or pleasure... work- browsing mainly, tv/movies and occasional gaming.
(i currently have a G6 A8 HP, so am benchmarking various features to this- i know its not particularly budget budget but it was about same price as my budget here, back 2 years ago when i bought it!)

-- £150-300 budget... but cheaper the better (ive seen some good ones on offer lately)
-- 14-15"+ screen.
-- Good speakers etc... also video chip i think?? like...
-- basic graphics but enough to run Counterstrike source/DODsource and the older battlefield games - BF2 and BF1942. (these are quite old now, far from graphics-demanding games)

-- 5hrs+ battery life
-- amd 8/10 maybe, but i'd prefer to have i3 or i5 - but ive no idea on the *default graphics* you get with *intel systems* ...also im not well versed in technicalities of Intel VS quadcore amd's.
-- quad core if possible with my listed features (battery and budget ultimately)
-- 320-500gb normal hdd
-- 4GB RAM ...depends on the processor, but 4gb minimum is enough right??
-- 500mb or 1gb video/graphics ram (im not sure on this topic sorry)
-- 1.5kg+ weight... lighter the better, as i travel alot.
-- screen res not a big deal to me, restricted by my budget i know.
-- dont need dvd/cd rom

Of course ive done days of shopping around, but still dont fully understand how good i3's or i5's can play the games i mentioned above.

Ive learnt that im looking for a chromebook-style of windows laptop though.

this asus is very cheap and great battery life, but it has basically no hdd and the processor with 2gb ram i think will struggle for my needs. flipping good deal though!


this one i thought was good at first, as supposedly good battery life, and its dual core (prob?) and little heavy at 2.15kg. but had pretty bad reviews on other sites.


Any here stand out?:


Hopefully that all makes sense,

Cheers guys!

ed :)
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