New NFS: Need for Speed Hot Pursuit?

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How can it be called Hot Pursuit? The third installment of the racing game series was called Hot Pursuit and was notable for the introduction of the 'Police' element in the game, and hence the name.
Did I just see a Pagani Zonda in the trailer? WOW! The Trailer was awesome. Plus it's Criterion games this time, so hopefully we can sit back and relax.
i hope they dont screw this up , NFS really needs a good release to win its fans back .

Lol the lambo's entrance at the end was so hindi movie like lol.

Damn Criterion is involved this might actually be AWESOME.
Yeha its name is Hot pursuit, It is EA's franchise so no case over copyright or name of something

I hope this is awesome, i love NFS (2 really) and totally love criterion for Burnout sries, the arcady-ness is too awesome :), i believe this will do well
Veyron as the cop car! Christ! Isn't that taking it to a whole new level of hot pursuit? :S

Why is everyone behind the Zonda? Did you guys not play Grid? :bleh:
That was super!!! Just reminded me of good ol' days of nfs (specially the cool videos of nfs hotpursuit1 & 2)
NFS is BACK! :hap2:
awesome trailer................. cant wait for the release........

anyways last week got the beta inviation from NFS World Online....... only 3 races are available on that to play right now but the whole map is there to free roam..... the world online game looked like game "BLUR" where u could possess powers (instead of taking them from the track like in BLUR), and use them while in race..... the powers once used will then regenerate like the regenerating of nitro in NFSMW........... overall i didn't feel like playing the game for long..... map was also having bits of NFScarbon elements in it......
Awesome Trailer.

after watching it i can see that this is going to be the best NFS after Most Wanted.. :hap2:

i was surprised seeing Veryron as a Cop car,but in the end a Lambo Comes on from nowhere overtaking all others but i was a bit confused which one was that? :S

Looked like Reventon to me.

The new NFS game was announced on today's EA press conference at the E3: Need for Speed Hot Pursuit!

The new NFS returns to its roots, fast pursuits between exotic race cars and police, but this time you can sit behind the wheel of a police car and challenge your friends! You can play through full careers as both a cop and a racer - solo or connected.

A new feature is Autolog, an online network which connects gamers all over the world and enables you to compare your racing stats and gives you automatical personalized gameplay recommendations from your friends.

Need for Speed Hot Pursuit is going to be released on November 16th, 2010 in North America and on November 18 and 19, 2010 in Europe, available on Xbox 360, Playstation 3 and PC.

To give you a first impression, take a look at this E3 Reveal Trailer, which was shown at the E3 press conference:

It's official i guess now :P
yeah...zonda's are better track cars...proved by top gear.. :P

oh..this should be cool...

i remember playing nfs 3 with my brother...

good old lamborghini diablo sv .. :)
Damn man , NFS Hot Pursuit was an epic game and I won't forgive EA for ruining the title by this game if it turns out to be crap . I remember Undercover having so good and cool videos like this but ultimately it failed big time . If NFS screws this it will have lot to explain to NFS Hot pursuit fans . We have been saying this for a long time that surely this NFS game will take over NFS Most Wanted but which game did take over and when ? I'll tell you , already 4 NFS games are out but none could live up to the expectation nor even come close to NFS Most Wanted .

On the other hand Split Second has set an enormously high platform for the arcade racing games and if EA and NFS want to beat it , it'll be tough . Split Second had everything , the formula , the graphics , the scenric beauty , the style , the TASHAN . Only thing missing was a better story line like NFS Most Wanted and it would have topped it all .

I hope this isn't going to be a letdown because NFS is gambling a lot and upped the stakes by setting NFS Hot Pursuit as the title of its newest title , but can it overtake its predescessor NFS Most Wanted and more importantly live upto the expectations of a NFS Hot Pursuit title ?
The name itself has set the bar miles high, hope EA/Criterion can jump that far.... hoping for some real NFS after Shi(f)t
AWESOME, NFS Hot Persuit 2 was the first original and the last racing game i ever bought. Looks promising, i almost lost interest in the NFS games and looks like this one brought it back.
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