31-40k New pc for 3d movies and music

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hi friends i am looking to build a new pc .i will be using it to
1.watch 3d movies on my panasoninc 50vt plasma,
2.play flac music planning to buy a avr for this
3,editing the photos clicked with my dslr
4.routine net surfing
not much high end games will be played on it

Q: What is your budget?


Q: What is your existing hardware configuration (component name - component brand and model)

i have a pentium four based processor
dont know about motherboard
samsung 23"led monitor
bose companion 3 speakers

Q: Which hardware will you be keeping (component name - component brand and model)

Monitor samsung 23 led
rest everything will be new
will use the old harddrive as a slave

Q: Which hardware component are you looking to buy (component name). If you have already decided on a configuration then please mention the (component brand and model) as well, this will help us in fine tuning your requirement.

not finalised any component just coolermaster elite cabinet and coolermaster smps
corsair vengeance 4gb ram *2

Q: Is this going to be your final configuration or you would be adding/upgrading a component in near future. If yes then please mention when and which component

no will not like to upgrade for 3-4 years

Q: Where will you buy this hardware? (Online/City/TE Dealer)

Open to online purchase

Q: Would you consider buying a second hand hardware from the TE market

will prefer to buy new

Q: What is your intended use for this PC/hardware

Desktop Processing of raw pics from dslr

Watching 3d HD movies
playing flac music

Q: Do you have any brand preference or dislike? Please name them and the reason for your preference/dislike.
Do not want to buy XYZ company product as I heard the after sales service in India is pathetic

open to all brands

Q: If you will be playing games then which type of games will you be playing?

not much into pc gaming generally use ps3 .may be later

Q: What is your preferred monitor resolution for gaming and normal usage

will like to use the full hd monitor as full resolution

Q: Are you looking to overclock?


Q: Which operating system do you intend to use with this configuration?

Windows 7 64 bit

thanks hoping for a quick resolution of my questions
i3 2120-7k
Intel DH77KC-7k
Corsair XMS3 OR Gskill Ripaws 2X4GB 1333mhz-3.5k
Msi GTX560 1GB-11.5k[For 3d movies and gaming]
Seasonic S12ii 520W-3.7k
Nzxt Gamma-2.4k OR Cooler Master Elite 430-3k
Nvidia 3d Vision Glass Kit-9k
Hope this helps.:)
thanks Jakob .can u give a similar recommendation with amd based processor.
and should i go for gskill ripjawsx ddr3 1600 hz ram

plus will the onboard sound card be good enough for a good quality sound
The Intel processor lineup beats AMD PhenomII processors by far so it's better if you go with intel processors.You can go with Gskill ripjawsX 1600mhz ram.
thanks Jakob .can u give a similar recommendation with amd based processor.
and should i go for gskill ripjawsx ddr3 1600 hz ram
the i3 2120 doesnot support 1600mhz ram .i was thinking of amd fx4100 processor.it is 3.6ghz and has turbo upto 3.8 ghz
the i3 2120 doesnot support 1600mhz ram .i was thinking of amd fx4100 processor.it is 3.6ghz and has turbo upto 3.8 ghz

You are not gaining much with a 1600mhz ram compared with a 1333mhz ram but with a i3 you can get a faster overall performance in games & other applications compared to the Fx 4100
also you can overclock the i3's fsb to match a 1600mhz kit wait for Alpha17 or cyberwarfare to throw some light on overclocking
for native support you can wait for Ivy-Bridge i3 lineup

hope this helps:)

1] Stick to Intel i3 or i5 (as budget permits)
2] Nvidia GPU - even the GTX-550 would suffice for your 3D experience

Now if you are looking at using this build primarily for watching MOVIES - then I presume, you will want to "store" 2D/3D movies too - for which you may want to add HDD's over a period of time (say 1TB x 4 or 2TB x 3 ....etc). Note: Full HD quality movies vary in size from 4GB to 47GB per film ............. then also consider the following:-
3] Motherboard - look for min 4 SATA3 & 4-6 usb 3.0 ports
4] Cabinet - With usb 3.0 and adequate "storage" slots [3-5 HDD's] + 3-4 fans at least for cooling
5] PSU of at least 750W
6] RAM - Go for G.Skill 2 x 4GB sticks
7] If you already have 3D glasses (that came with your TV), then no need to buy NVidia's kit.

Well @Rupinder this is what I suggest --

Intel Core i3 2100 / Core i3 2120 OR Core i5 2320 ~6500/- OR 9500/-
Intel DH77-KC ~7000/- [tentative, can be more expensive]
Corsair ValueRAM 4GB x2 ~2500/-
AMD HD 7750 ~6500/- [should be more than enough for decoding movies and playing games @low -->medium settings]
Seagate Barracuda 7200.14 1TB ~5000/- [OR to save cash you can install the OS in the older drives]
HP boxed optical drive ~1000/-
Corsair TX V2 650W ~5800/-
Cooler Master eLite 430 BLACK ~3000/-

Alternatively you can --
  • wait for the Ivy-Bridge Core i3 and lower end Core i5 line-ups to launch;
  • completely sacrifice on the graphics card and go for an AMD Llano / Trinity set-up;
  • go for 1600MHz RAM modules over the 1333MHz edition that I have suggested, you will note a slight improvement in performance and these will be future proof for Ivy-Bridge adaptation later;
  • Do you already have a 3D kit OR need to buy one?
  • What games are you planning to play?

Why are we suggesting 1600MHz RAM modules can be explained by the following articles --
Sandy Bridge's improved memory controller has all but eliminated the need for extreme memory bandwidth, at least for this architecture. It's only when you get down to DDR3-1333 that you see a minor performance penalty. The sweet spot appears to be at DDR3-1600, where you will see a minor performance increase over DDR3-1333 with only a slight increase in cost.

Memory bandwidth does scale with CPU clock speed; however, it still doesn't translate into any meaningful real-world performance. The sweet spot still appears to be DDR3-1600.

The effects of low latency memory can be seen in our bandwidth tests, they don't show any real world advantage over their higher latency (ahem, cheaper) counterparts. None of the real-world tests performed showed any reason to prefer low latency over raw speed.


Hope this helps, Cheerio!!
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