PC Peripherals New Philips DVD/DIVX player : 5500s

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Seems like the DVP 642K has been taken out of the market.There's a new one on the block- called Philips DVP 5500s. This one also uses the ESS Vibratto II chipset..

Supports DIVx..etc.. and WMA as an addition to this model

Thinking of buying one, but found that it doesn't have the S-video and optical out connection. It also doesn't have addtional stereo (L&R) connection. Are these pretty important?

The quouted price in India is INR 4500.. Wondering if it's a scaled down model of the Crop of philips DVD players supporting DIVx..

Any one has any more info..?
Thanks to Blade & TechHead now i know that "ESS Vibratto II"
Doesnt play QPEL and GMC Encoded Xvids.

Well not much worth getting this player from Philips.
Thanks to Blade & TechHead now i know that "ESS Vibratto II"
Doesnt play QPEL and GMC Encoded Xvids.
But GMC is only supported by the Mediatek chipset. there is no DVD / Div X player in India that does have the mediatek chipset.

The LG and the Pioneer both are not available here in India.

So what can a person who wants to purchase a DIVx compatible DVD player in India do? What i was wondering was if this player is inferior to the DVP 642K.. coz just as i was about to buy that it went off the market - so wondering whether to take the newer one.
imjimmy said:
But GMC is only supported by the Mediatek chipset. there is no DVD / Div X player in India that does have the mediatek chipset.

The LG and the Pioneer both are not available here in India.

So what can a person who wants to purchase a DIVx compatible DVD player in India do? What i was wondering was if this player is inferior to the DVP 642K.. coz just as i was about to buy that it went off the market - so wondering whether to take the newer one.
Yep you are correct. I am facing the same dilemma, but since many of my encodes are already gmc and qpel i can't help it so i have to wait for a player with mediatek chipset. By if brand names don't matter much to you then there is a Mitashi 999 Divx player that is based off mediatek's 1389FE/GE chipset which can do everythng except packed bitstream. But getting rid of packed bitstream is a snap with mpeg modifier ;)
Quad Master said:
But blade the name Mitashi , makes me worry can you trust products from them on quality & long life.
Lol that i leave it up to the buyer ! :)

I'd rather have a xbox play all my divxs and xvids or wait for a mediatek based player :|
Yep you are correct. I am facing the same dilemma, but since many of my encodes are already gmc and qpel i can't help it so i have to wait for a player with mediatek chipset. By if brand names don't matter much to you then there is a Mitashi 999 Divx player that is based off mediatek's 1389FE/GE chipset which can do everythng except packed bitstream. But getting rid of packed bitstream is a snap with mpeg modifier

Sorry for the mundane questions.. Can you tell me what is packed bitstream and where is it used.?

I had heard that even a Mediatek chipset does not support QPEL. it only supports GMC and that a Sigma chipset would support QPEL.

Furthermore most of my encodes are not really in QPEL and GMC and i think that most of the new xvid's /Divx found online are not in QPEL and gmc..

Thinking of buying one(new philips 5500s), but found that it doesn't have the S-video and optical out connection. It also doesn't have addtional stereo (L&R) connection. Are these pretty important?

Can someone please tell me the significance of S-video out and if it's really used coz the new player does not have this..

Lastly i had heard from people that the Mitashi player has really bad build quality and is not durable.Is it a chinese company?

1. When two B-frames are used one after the the other, they are known are packed bitstreams. I wudnt know to make it more simpler. B frames are those bi directional frames used by mpeg 4 codecs and are half frames based on prediction and hence help save space. A lot of divxs and xvids use it.

2. the mediatek chipset handles gmc and qpel both very well but it also depends on the other characteristics of the player such as te firmware and all. If none of your encodes are in qpel and gmc you can go ahead and buy the player. You can use a tool like Gspot codec appliance (latest version) to make sure that none of your encodes have qpel and gmc.

3. Mitashi is an indian brand i think and like i said its finally upto you. S video has better quality than the rgb/composite connector. Also your TV needs to have a S-video connector to serve its purpose :)
Quad Master said:
I wud prefer connecting my new Rig's GPU SVideo Out to the TV & enjoy my Movies on large screen.
Thats exactly what I do :). Plus ATI's theater mode makes fullscreen video playback a snap. The video will run fullscreen on the TV and I can work concurrently on the monitor with the player minimized ;).
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