New PSP Doubts

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1. What are the prices of a new PSP in grey and showrooms and other shops? Value pack is the one to buy right? Dont need any games. Plus, how much will the necessary accesories cost? like screen protector, hard case, blah blah...also mention what to buy and what not to buy...
2. What will happen to warranty of a pandorised PSP? I guess no warranty, then can it be un-pandorised so that it can be accepted by warranty ppl?
3. How often do PSPs go bad? except dropping it, what are the general chances a PSP can go bad? Basically I want to know how risky it is to have a PSP without warranty.
4. How expensive are 8GB MSPD cards? Current 4GB one is not enough :(
First thing, you should decide fast before the PSP 3000 arrives ! Its not been hacked yet :)

1. The official price of a PSP is 8900 I think, grey market prices should be lower. Get hori screen protector for 150 bucks. The case should be around 200-250. I got my PSP from the US for 170$, when $ was its lowest :P

2. You can take a NAND Dump (image) of your official firmware using a Pandora's battery / memory card (get it done by someone efficient). This can be used to restore your PSP to its original state. No hardware is altered inside the PSP, so warranty will stand. However, if you brick your PSP while pandorizing it / installing custom firmware, you are done for. So please get it done by a knowledgeable person.

3. A PSP doesn't go bad just like that - unless you do physical damage (water / stress etc). Haven't heard anyone's PSP going bad, till date (I've seen 3-4). Have been using mine for 7-8 months with no issues. Just don't do any keeda without proper knowledge and cooly game / use other apps, and you are set for a long time.

4. A 4 GB card is enough IMO. I bought a Sandisk 4 GB for under 2K from Lamington. But the prices have fallen, so you might get a 8 Gb one for much less.

Also following deal looks good to me:
mallik said:
First thing, you should decide fast before the PSP 3000 arrives ! Its not been hacked yet :)
who said anything abt the PSP 3000? :P
mallik said:
2. You can take a NAND Dump (image) of your official firmware using a Pandora's battery / memory card (get it done by someone efficient). This can be used to restore your PSP to its original state. No hardware is altered inside the PSP, so warranty will stand. However, if you brick your PSP while pandorizing it / installing custom firmware, you are done for. So please get it done by a knowledgeable person.
I know a very very knowledgeable person who can pandorise the PSP for me :ohyeah: plus when he pandorised the PSP I had, he did take the NAND backup :)

mallik said:
4. A 4 GB card is enough IMO. I bought a Sandisk 4 GB for under 2K from Lamington. But the prices have fallen, so you might get a 8 Gb one for much less.
It isnt for me :( have to shuffle between games everyday, 4gigs simply not enough. Plus I need space for music as well.
SunnyBoi said:
who said anything abt the PSP 3000? :P.

Welll what I meant was, as soon as the PSP 3000 arrives, the PSP 2000 will be taken off the market. So you need to act fast ! Else you'll have to wait a few weeks / months till the new PSP is hacked. Maybe you might even have to get a hardware mod done this time. The pandora's battery was a lucky discovery, a loophole that SONY inadvertently left. It was fixed when the slim came out - however as the slim and fat had very similar hardware and software, a fat battery could be used to mod a slim PSP.

God only knows what they have done with PSP 3000. So play safe, and you shall be out of harm's way !

Cheers !

1) psp bith bill and 1 yr warranty rs 8500. screen protector 150-200rs. hard cover 250-300rs. extra accessory composite av cable if u want to watch videos on tv, component cable if u want to play games and videos on tv.

2) psp warranty is void once pandorised. yes it can be reverted again to original firmware if u need to send to service centre for warranty.

3) IMO 1%. i havent seen or heard any psp getting bad. There is absolutely no worries with a psp without warranty. So if u are hesitating to install custom firmware, go ahead..
note - i would never advice to install themes on the psp except you know what you are doing, there are chances you may screw up and brick the psp. also install apps only if required.
otherwise you are fine to go with videos, music, games, surfing.

4) I think 8gb mspd costs around rs 3500. you might ask amarbir for the pricing.

hope ur doubts are cleared..
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