Hades. said:You really dont like to believe what other people say... i think you haven't read my above post properly... And BTW are you sure that AMD wont bring a new socket in the year 2013?
And the early benchmark of Bulldozer 8core processor which got leaked shows that its 50% faster than already EOL'ed i7 950... and i7 2600k performes some 20 to 25% better than i7 950... I am not saying that Bulldozer processors would not perform better than SB processors but you really can't predict how bulldozer processors would perform until the bulldozer processors officially get reviewed... Lets wait and watch...
comp@ddict said:And I dont think I have to explain you AMD's socket history and how they stick to a socket for how long etc etc, it's clearly evident from the past few years(unless you have no idea at all).
What I mean is, when spending say 20k+ on CPU+MOBO, why not one which can actually be "UPGRADED"? I mean if he buys a SB LGA1055 today, and the only option for upgrade next year is another 4 core die shrink with a on-die GPU which he will most definitely not use and the processor being ending up at the same price??
That's why I suggested AM3+ Bulldozer, he buys 8 core today. Next year he can actually "UPGRADE" if he wants to to a 16 core, and not get stuck to 4 cores altogether.
Current Intel Quadore's gives AMD Hexacore's a run for its money
preet27 said:Well TBH i myself don't feel comfortable buying a product that is shrouded in prediction, it's a well known fact that companies produce motherboards according to the CPU's , and not the other way around, so even if some of these AM3+ motherboards are out there, i don't want to go for these cos they could very well cause a bottleneck for the processor for which they are aimed at.
comp@ddict said:what is wrong with you? I'm talking bulldozer and you keep bringing "currently" and Phenom II and shit, dont u understand? Phenom II as we know it, within 3 months will be history. period. and I know this is not "2013".
I thought everyone who can't upgrade their whole system every year want a FUTURE PROOF system. So there I am trying to suggest one, well, I've explained why I'm suggesting AM3+ and Bulldozer Platform. So why do you suggest SB and LGA1055?
When YOU YOURSELF stated that if bulldozer be 50% faster than i7 950, then it be 20-25% faster than Sandy Bridge itself!!!!! ??
preet27 said:The thing is that with bulldozer they are keeping everything so tight, which was not the case with their earlier processors, AMD has really kept everything really tight, maybe it's the fierce competition but i do believe that the best mobo's will come after the bulldozer is released, and why invest more money into something when u know the best is still to come, plus i have an option to avoid it as well. It makes more sense for me in that respect.
And i suggested you 785GMT-US2H as it supports 125w CPUs... And its newer as compared to 78LT M LE and has better build quality... - Hades
Can't you see that they are comparing an 8core processor with an already eol'ed i7 950 quadqore processor instead of comparing it with i7 980 6core processor
Phew.comp@ddict said:EDIT:
Lets stop fighting
Dont try to teach me what bulldozer architecture is as i already know the two core per module thing
comp@ddict said:i thought i said lets not fight, you are indifferent.. very well
well, @OP, if you are gonna buy a rig in june, COME BACK IN JUNE. Look what you've done
Hmmm .... i don't quite get the matching part,comp@ddict said:The first 5 letters of my name match urs.. I've never met another person who has the exact same name as me, every letter.