New TF2 Indian Public Server

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Indian Gamers league has hosted a TF2 test server for now, hopefully more will be added later.


See you there :cool2:
yeah ! Everyone add this server to your favorites. . at least all us Indian janta will have decent ping pub server to play in the night , just like the old V-Street days. . too much FUN !
This is a great lag free server, Must for all, and when you do come to play , try and stay there for atlest 20-30 mins, otherwise people wont come to know.
Jasku said:
wats ur nik gurpratap?

TF2 Nick: C:\> Drive

Steam ID: singh_gurpartap
Hmm, jealous on you guys... I don't have time to play TF2.. Missin it very much.. I hope, you guys will be their to play in Dec.. We've holidays for about month... :D
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