It’s time to put our heads together to envision “the perfect 10″.
Introducing the Maverick Meerkat
Our mascot for 10.10 is the Maverick Meerkat.
This is a time of change, and we’re not afraid to surprise people with a bold move if the opportunity for dramatic improvement presents itself. We want to put Ubuntu and free software on every single consumer PC that ships from a major manufacturer, the ultimate maverick move. We will deliver on time, but we have huge scope for innovation in what we deliver this cycle. Once we have released the LTS we have plenty of room to shake things up a little. Let’s hear the best ideas, gather the best talent, and be a little radical in how we approach the next two year major cycle.
Meerkats are, of course, light, fast and social – everything we want in a Perfect 10. We’re booting really fast these days, but the final push remains. Changes in the toolchain may make us even faster for every application. We’re Social from the Start, but we could get even more tightly connected, and we could bring social features into even more applications. Meerkats are family-oriented, and we aspire to having Ubuntu being the safe and efficient solution for all the family netbooks. They are also clever – meerkats teach one another new skills. And that’s what makes this such a great community.
Mark Shuttleworth Blog Archive Shooting for the Perfect 10.10 with Maverick Meerkat
This Ubuntu codename fits does fit, maverick - is unconventional and independent, and do not think or behave in the same way as others(Read:Windows)hyeah: