mathrisk .: deleted :. Herald May 4, 2008 #1 Whenever I start NFSC, just after the loading screen, it crashes to desktop. I am using vista on E8200/8800GT/2GB RAm. can someone please help me solve that bug. I have installed some patch for NFSC, but didnot worked. TIA
Whenever I start NFSC, just after the loading screen, it crashes to desktop. I am using vista on E8200/8800GT/2GB RAm. can someone please help me solve that bug. I have installed some patch for NFSC, but didnot worked. TIA
I indy1811 Herald May 4, 2008 #2 happens with other games too? maybe a driver issue..try the latest drivers..
mathrisk .: deleted :. Herald May 4, 2008 #3 wow !! it worked........ before that i was running the game by selecting windows98 in compatibilty mode. but the grafix were pathetic.... thanks a lot dude..... :hap2:
wow !! it worked........ before that i was running the game by selecting windows98 in compatibilty mode. but the grafix were pathetic.... thanks a lot dude..... :hap2: