I iml3g3nd Explorer May 30, 2009 #1 TheGuiltyGeek.com : Need For Speed SHIFT E3 Trailer Shows Gameplay Footage looks like an enhanced version of proshit to me...................
TheGuiltyGeek.com : Need For Speed SHIFT E3 Trailer Shows Gameplay Footage looks like an enhanced version of proshit to me...................
U ubergeek Forerunner May 30, 2009 #2 seriously more like nfs shitez y cant they just go back to thier roots and deliver a next gen MW this sucks anyways there are other racing games which are much better than this coming out nextyear and this year 1.splitsecond 2.dirt 2 3.fuel
seriously more like nfs shitez y cant they just go back to thier roots and deliver a next gen MW this sucks anyways there are other racing games which are much better than this coming out nextyear and this year 1.splitsecond 2.dirt 2 3.fuel
S Seeder666 Contributor Jun 6, 2009 #5 as for my opinion it looks nice ....... lets wait for more people to review