Night of terror at New Market: Girl molested in bar, chased, pulled out of bus...

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KOLKATA: In the deserted New Market area, around 11.30pm on Sunday, a young girl ran for her life from a group of molesters, chased by a band of locals who had joined in for fun. Bleeding from deep cuts, breathless and panic-stricken, she saw a bus moving towards Esplanade and made a desperate leap for it. To her horror, the gang stopped the bus, pulled her out and started beating her. No one in the bus raised a finger in protest.

The assault continued until the 21-year-old girl collapsed on the road, wailing and pleading for mercy. She had fought on as long as a lone woman could against a mob. Just when she feared it would get worse, the attackers saw she was bleeding heavily from her injuries, lost their nerve and fled.

When TOI met her on Monday, she had her right hand in a sling. It took 14 stitches to seal her wound. "The horror will haunt me for the rest of my life. But I will fight till the molesters are put behind bars," the gutsy north Kolkata girl said. TOI is withholding her name for security reasons. She is also a key witness in the Park Street rape case, which had shocked the nation and brought home the unpleasant truth that the city may be getting increasingly unsafe for women. It was she who had come forward with information to help police nab the alleged rapists.

Like the earlier incident, the accused in the New Market case are also businessmen. They were remanded in police custody on Monday.

The incident comes barely three days after a homemaker was kidnapped and raped by the driver of a luxury taxi. The 21-year-old said that she and her friends had been to a lounge bar near Lindsay Street only once or twice, and always with male company. "On Sunday, it was just us three girls. When we reached at 11pm, it was very crowded. Even the bar stools were taken so we stood near the bar," she recalled. The three friends were happily chatting, when a man suddenly came and grabbed her from behind, she says.

"My skin crawled. I immediately wrenched myself out of his clasp, and shoved him with my elbows. Then I turned around and pushed him away with both my hands," she said. The man stumbled with the forcefulness of the counterattack and staggered back a few steps.

Night of terror at New Market: Girl molested in bar, chased, pulled out of bus and thrashed - The Times of India
It is sad that this has happened.

I am not really sure if this happened elsewhere in India someone would have stepped forward to help. People have changed a lot. They will condemn the girl for hanging out so late and that too in a bar and that she deserved it but not the guys who were the real nuisance.
I think girls today should carry pepper / chilli sprays and may be small knife or something. In addition, it would be great if they would hit the guy where it hurts to most (after spraying pepper spray)
I think girls today should carry pepper / chilli sprays and may be small knife or something. In addition, it would be great if they would hit the guy where it hurts to most (after spraying pepper spray)

Given how Kolkata is turning into a recurring nightmare city, doubt even if carrying an AK 47 would deter these criminals! Most of the time, these incidents involve 4-5 drunk guys, where the sight of the attackers itself becomes intimidating for the women in concern.

Didi will say its work of opposition :|

And next day she will add, "incident?? what incident???"
didi to bolne ki didi hai .. she has only one agenda in her mind . her seat nothn else.
Sad to see such things happening. I sometimes wish superman batman and other heroes ( nagraj and captain dhruv will also do ) were for real and would have protected the city. ( i am not joking )
Alcohol might be a major factor here in addition to illiteracy, poverty and an extremely conservative society which looks down upon any camaraderie between members of different sexes. In short, if ones to have a night out, one should stick to good bars/clubs and/or have male company.
^^ pretty sure any guy who would molest a girl while drunk would try it sober as well, as long as he is sure that he can get away with it.
^^Maybe. But if you ever had had enough alcohol in you, you'd know how much more daring one can become. Also, everyone behaves differently when drunk so can't blame everything on alcohol.
^ If you knew you were going to rot in jail/executed/at the very least, punished for sure after committing such a crime, you would think twice.. drunk or not drunk. How often have you heard of people leaping off buildings because they were drunk? :|
^Can't say I have read people getting executed for rape/molestation. Also:

you would think twice.. drunk or not drunk
Yeah, I have deep-meaningful conversations with people after a few. Others do retarded things after as much. It all depends on your capacity to handle alcohol.

people leaping off buildings because they were drunk?,cf.osb&fp=c5b484fe117e651f&biw=1600&bih=1051

^Can't say I have read people getting executed for rape/molestation.

Please learn to read the entire line -
rot in jail/executed/at the very least, punished

A molestation/rape can easily turn into a murder. Even the girl in the incident above is lucky she escaped alive.

Yeah, I have deep-meaningful conversations with people after a few. Others do retarded things after as much. It all depends on your capacity to handle alcohol.
I can see how literally you are taking me by quoting my statements like that. But you should understand what chiron and me are trying to say.

If one knows in his subconscious that he can molest a girl and get away with it, then it really doesn't matter if he is drunk or not.

Really now? You are going to present me a google search link of "people leaping off buildings because they were drunk". Thank you Sir... I really didn't know how to search in Google. Or are you trying to justify that such behavior was pardonable because the person was under the influence?
The point you are missing, good sir, is that mere alcohol has the ability to bring out the best or the absolute worst in people. Combine it with other intoxicating substances and you have a deadly combination of things that can play havoc with your head. It compels people to do things which they normally wouldn't. Why else do you think drinking is banned during office hours while cigarette smoking isn't? You lose your ability to function as you normally would.

And I am in no way condoning such behavior. Hell, I think its shameful that so many folks in India can do such vile acts after drinking. What I was trying to say originally in my post was that there are many other entities involved which give rise to such crimes.

Also, I do maintain that such incidents would reduce dramatically if most people could handle their drinks.

P.S. - The google link was a joke. Have a good day!
Don't have time to research and present you facts, but I will not count Alcohol as a major factor here. These guys chased that girl out of the club and then some locals too "joined in the fun". . Crime happens everywhere. But, if you are almost 100 percent sure that you will easily find some loophole to escape the clutches of the law, then that is incentive for a twisted mind.

I'm not even bringing the "society" factor here where a majority still think that girls/women who drink and are out late at night deserve such things :|
New Delhi is grand daddy for rapes. Its like people go on shopping but in Delhi they do same but it involves rape.

PS: No offence to Delhi members.
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