Nike FuelBand: An enthusiast's friend or All marketing hype?

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Perhaps the biggest gadget of the year so far:


Currently, It's beating the Wii's record of being 'out of stock'. As a runner + occasional squash player I've been intrigued since day 1.

Wanted to hear from any one who has got one or planning to get one. Do you think it's worth it?
What does this actually do ?

Hope it is not like that energy bands that claim to release some sort of cosmic or what energy.
It's just a glorified pedometer.

Get the MotoActv or even better one of the innumerable Garmin devices, if you want something that's actually useful.
My brother bought me one in March, nike store in NY were selling limited qty. Might sell it off as i rarely do cardio.
My brother bought me one in March, nike store in NY were selling limited qty. Might sell it off as i rarely do cardio.

Were you able to activate it India?

on a side note, what size do you have? I've been eyeing these for a few months now. (If you are serious about selling it.. could you pm please?)
Nike+ Fuelband syncs properly on nikeplus web interface as well as my iphone. I have medium size band which can be upgraded to large size using attachment provided.
thanks for sharing. saw some reviews over the it and mostly getting it

So I've got one coming in soon. Will let you know more (perhaps a mini review) once I start using it.

#[member='stalker'] ... I think it's like iPod vs Creative Mp3 players back in 2004-05. The Creative ones were high on function & features while the iPod just looked better. The fuelband is perhaps the best designed 'pedometer' out there
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