Nintendo announces a new NDS

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yea i don't really see the point of a camera. but i'm sure someone somewhere will manage to incorporate it into gameplay somehow.

some people aren't too happy about the loss of the gba slot but i guess that's preference. others of course are wondering what happens to the whole homebrew scene and flashcart industry. with onboard memory (i mean loaded in with memory cards) it should make the whole thing redundant.
Hmm I would have preffered some beefing up of the hardware. Esp as they got rid of the GBA slot.

But still it looks really cool. Might get one come next year.

And yeah so much for buying the old one at 8K.
what are we gonna do with the camera at the has to be at the from to video conference or play camera based games
the system is also region locked this time around :(

no more using whatever software you want on whichever hardware. well, until it gets cracked of course.

the english version are not expected to release in this fiscal year so the earliest release date is not before april 2009. add to that the time it will take for the homebrew community to flourish, we're probably talking 10 months to a year off. so it might not be such a bad idea to consider an nds lite after all.
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