Nintendo gets DBZ - Saiyan on Wii

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OMG OMG :rofl:

am speechless :rofl:

no wonder someone's planning to join the gym near ur house, sczar :rofl:
OMG Abhi, am gonna die laughing..... :rofl: :rofl:

EDIT: so now everyone knows my sudden RRR mania :lol:
atleast i throwed it correctly in my first try :P and the video is of my second try where i didn't get through.

hold on czar, Will take the video while u r playing :P.
ill try and upload some videos as well, have to get this damn camera charger replaced.... :(

We want more videos Scz!!

i knew it .... :D

good work CZ :D :D

anyways it was amazing fun playing on Wiii specially the tennis ..... and its good for heath too, altho the before starting the game Wii says otherwise :rofl:
Saiyan said:
atleast i throwed it correctly in my first try

Well, my bad. The video doesn't properly show that. Good thing it wasn't really a DBZ game though. I'd half expect you to sprout blonde hair and pulsate with enough energy to take the whole power grid out.
it wasn't Goku Saiyan was trying to throw....

He was instead pulling these stunts on a poor cow called daisy :rofl:
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