Nintendo revolution will be below $299


Source : Inquirer

Price war begins

IT LOOKS like there will be a bit of a price war looming between the game gear makers next year.

Nintendo’s President Satoru Iwata has in the past hinted that the next generation Nintendo will hit the shelves at a cheaper price than the competition.

Now in an interview with Yahoo Japan it seems that he is prepared to hint, somewhat inscrutably, that the price of the beast will be less than $299, which is the cost of the Xbox 360's standard package.
its new game controllers look wierd i thnk dis one gonna be a dud (yet again) like gamecube woteva be the pricing
me waitin fer the ps3 once i releases den within 6-8 mnths sony-ms price war starts dats the time to lay ur hands on the next gen beauties..
Under $ 299.....hmmm....Nintendo really needs to make a comeback. I got my original NES in '87 and loved it back then...Super Mario Bros., Duck Hunt, Metroid!

Their last couple of systems have been total flops. The only thing Nintendo that I still am using is my old Gameboy.....even my Gamegear has since conked off...
i had the super al it's game,killer instinct,donkey kong...dose were d days...btw im lookin fer killer instinct man very hard to find..neone??

btw killer instinct wus one of those games who started the combo,finishing off system later used by mk
gamecube wasn't a dud, it simply lacked mature titles, and couldn't be cracked so people chose xbox/ps2 over it, in gaming and titles it beats Xbox anyday.
yea i thnk the controller may take gaming to the next level..itd be crazy idea to play wid one o those
Wehn it comes to controllers, nintendo has always been the king.

They invented the basic controller (the type in the NES), the more advanced one in SNES (with shoulder buttons), then with an analog stick + rumble (optional) in N64, and finally the first with dual analog sticks in Gamecube. Always ahead of the competition, which then copied them. So they may have something going for them, though I am worried about the number of action buttons on the controller, game makers will seriously have to sit down and think how to make games for this platform. But then again, maybe this is a good thing, because of late, game developers have paid little (if any) attention to gameplay. (D3 anyone? Nice gfx, sucky game)
yeah, nothing can be said about them until games actually release, i hope nintendo has planned this well or else this would blow very fast.

@kingkrool - i actually preffer sony's dualshocks over nintendo's gamecube controller, it lacks the select and a trigger button which the dualshocks have, but overall, they are much better to hold and control. dualshocks feel like a toy when you go back to ps2 from hours of gaming on gc. and yeah for the rest like N64, Snes, Nintendo has always been the inventor and a good one at that.
I don't doubt that the PS2 controller is better - it is just that nintendo was the pioneer I believe. I remember when the N64 controller came out, people laughed. Now they all do the same twice over.
Lol so much speculation just on the controller. Nintendo I dunno how long is it gonna survive the big guns like M$ and Sony.
SNES is on top of ma list of consoles ive had..snazzy graphics,gr8 games n easy availability i used to laugh at my frnds who had th media that time snes wus totally awsome ill still give up any console fer the snes!!