Nintendo hopes to ship 6 million units by March '07
Nintendo is revealing more of its plans for its next generation Wii gaming console. Nintendo senior managing editor Yoshihiro Mori has stated that the company plans to ship as many as six million Wii consoles between its Q4 2006 launch and March of 2007. The price of admission will be under $250 USD. Earlier reports from a Sega VP stated that the console would sell for under $200 USD.
Given the lower price point of Nintendo’s Wii, Microsoft's Peter boldly stated that many gamers would choose to buy an XBOX 360 and a Wii instead of buying a PlayStation 3. Sony Computer Entertainment executive Phil Harrison later agreed with Moore that most gamers would choose to add a Wii to their arsenal after purchasing a PS3 or XBOX 360. reports:
The Wii console is key to Nintendo's future success and the company is banking on its strategy of introducing disruptive technology to capture a large percentage of the market, bowing out of the high-tech hardware race between Microsoft and Sony and concentrating on innovation and affordability in place of the superior graphics and processing power that has dominated the next-generation platform.
One thing is for sure though, Nintendo is likely to pick up a lot of sales with its Wii. Be it from consumers who don't want to pony up for a high-end $400 XBOX 360 or $600 PS3 or those who want another machine to compliment their existing system, Nintendo has more to gain than it does to lose in this round.