NK in F1, at last!!

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kewl man, gr8 news, and he can do something with a jordon too, score atleast some points and get notices :)
lol..Renegade..he means "Get Noticed"
btw, its still not confirmed that he'll drive...only 90% chances...
Jordan have asked for a huge undisclosed sum as sponsorship.
though talks are on with Tata, JK Tyres and Bharat Petroleum..:)
hmmm.... its one thing being called and another performing. Frankly i don't think he is that grt a driver anyway.
But lets see. If he comes what that would mean is that we will be one step closer to an Indian GP.
whats this rulezzzzzzzzzzzzz

as if they go to sleep with that :tongue:
The fact of the matter is

yes the fact
yes THE honest fact
ummm... i forgot the fact :tongue:

F1 roxxx :P
yea, F1 ROCKS!!!
cant wait for the new season to begin now and just hoping and praying that that F1 track comes in Hyd :)

this year its mclaren vs ferrari again... and thats as good as it gets.
I reckon this is one sport thats truly global and just super to watch.

three cheers for F1.
Ferrari no doubt. Every season there are false claims that the other teams would stop ferrari but no on does. The truth is Ferrari are invincible. No one can stop them and Michael Schumacher too from claiming the championship.
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