No, Android Not as Open as You Think

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it is obvious that some one at facebook won't agree that some product of google is next big thing. if things worked like that then iPhone wld have failed because Ballmer said so :P
I don't any issues with Android... but lately, I've my concerns about trusting Google with everything in my online life.
The article writer seems to be confused between Open Source with GNU, not every opensource license is GNU or CC.
iGo said:
I don't any issues with Android... but lately, I've my concerns about trusting Google with everything in my online life.
I've been having that concern since a few years now.
No full write access = not fully open software.

But android is much better than the crappy IOS.

I bought the iphone 4 (prebooked) just out of curiosity, but returned it within 3 days :) Already felt suffocated...

In IOS, Apple tells you "what you must do", "how you must do" and "why you must do" something!!!

Well, the one truly "open" phone I used was the neo freerunner. Am already hating myself for selling it :(

And I agree that the intentions of google are in question... Collecting data, emails, passwords for over four years!!!(although only from open networks... hopefully)

Its in our nature to suspect any company thats near a monopoly.

Suddenly we get carried away and start criticizing without proof. Insecurity sucks!
That Znet article is a very very very narrow minded one. For them, there exists only 1 nation and one continent. US of A.

And in the end, I choose lesser of the four devils. And that's Google at the moment :P
the author who wrote that zdnet article was just trying to sell her story. No mention about android in the article whatsoever. Just google's internet business after a lot of detours here and there about other companies. Wonder why that story even got published in the first place.
ZDNet articles are looking more and more like tabloid trash, like our TOI-let paper over here :)
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