CPU/Mobo No display on new motherboard

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I got a new motherboard Asus G41T-MLX3 (LGA 775) and 2 x 2GB DDR3 Corsair Ram

I used my old Pentium D 2.66 Ghz wid it.

But i when i switch on the pc the fan starts spinning up.... the power lights and other lights work normally but the monitor does not diaplay anything.... the power led of the monitor keeps on blinking
The fan on the CPU also stops spinning after 2-3 mins
I tried puttin single ramsticks one by one but no display still
What could be the problem?

My old board still works fine with its ddr2 ram and all other specs remain the same

Is the motherboard DOA??
Re: No diaplay on new motherboard

Try borrowing a friends psu and trying , can be a psu problem

If doesn't start working then mobo kaput
Re: No diaplay on new motherboard

i have another psu.. i checked with dat too... besides my psu works properly with my old mobo
Re: No diaplay on new motherboard

Try to reseat the CPU properly and apply paste as well. Do u hear any beeps?? Connect only the Mobo with the PSU and only RAM, noting else and see if the system shuts down again
Re: No diaplay on new motherboard

i reseated d cpu several times... i dont hear any beeps.. i m trying with only the cpu mobo ram and psu
Re: No diaplay on new motherboard

It could be a CPU compatibility issue. Check Pentium D 2.66 Ghz FSB???533/800 support from the Asus G41T-MLX3 specifications.
^ you were right. it was indeed a cpu compatibility issue. the mobo worked fine at the shop i bought it. i asked for another board ..dis tym gigabyte g41 combo and it is working now.

Thanku everyone
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