Monitors No Display on the Monitor..Plz help ???

I m sure most of u guys must have faced the problem that i am going to describe. For those of u who don't here it goes ....

My PC encounters this problem every monsoon during the rains....When i had the P3 system, the problem was, whenever i started my system, it either never started or it started in the following manner:
1) When i pressed the power button the Cabinet, the system started,all the components inside the cabinet started..everything was running, but there was no display coming on the monitor...all that happened was the LED used to blink...

And then what i did was to reset the system frequently and simultaneously pressing the F8 button to enter safe mode...sometimes it worked...but when it didn't i turned off the system pressing the Power button on the cabinet, unplug the RAM chip from the its slot, then using an eraser i used to gently rub the base of the RAM chip to get rid of its moisture and finally plugging it back i started the system and started and the display came back...

My Current Config is :

Pentium D 2.66 GHz
Samsung 160 GB SATA HD
Transcend 1 GB RAM
XFX 7600 GS
Intel 945GNT Mobo...
LG 17'' E700SH CRT Flatron Monitor.
Now the problem i described happened atleast 5 years ago...Now i own a more new system and i have started encountering the same problem again during the rains...whenever i boot the system...the system starts and all the components inside the cabinet run smoothly..but there's no display on monitor..only the LED blinks...BUT now one more problem has come even the Keyboard DOES NOT respond...i say this because whenever i boot the system...the num lock gets ON...but when i try to turn it OFF by pressing it does not go OFF...this shows that NOW even the keyboard is not responding...

A few days back when i had this problem it was only with the monitor....but not with the keyboard...hence i used to reset the system a couple of times till i finally got the display back...but NOW its even the keyboard that's not responding...

SOLUTIONS that i have tried:
1) tried the same solution i described above..unplugged the RAM...rubbed its base using an eraser gently and then tried booting the system... BUT STILL NO display...

2)Unplugged my GPU...and used my onboard graphics ....still the same problem...concluding that my GPU is perfectly fine...

3) used a bootable CD and then tried to boot the system in hoping to get a display since my 1st boot priority is my DVD ROM...but no display..

Now concluding this, i would like to say that i have exhausted all possible options...and have become completely helpless...and i request some alternate solution or any other solution to solve this issue of mine.. as i really now dont know what to do... I am right now writing this problem from my Office PC...

One more doubt i would like to have answered is ...whether my SATA HD stands a chance of succumbing to bad sectors and crash by frequently resetting my system like this...

P.S: My sincere apologies for writing such a long story abt the isssue like a Mahabharat Katha...But seriously speaking this was the only way i cud explain the problem clearly...

PLZ HELP ??????:huh: :huh:
Remove the RAM and then try booting the pc, it should give beeps. if it does then probably your RAM might have conked off. I have seen this happen to a lot of people. Also try reseting your BIOS and then booting it again. Post ur findings.
typically this is an issue with the power components on the MOBO being hit with humidity (as told to me by the Asus guys). Use some silica gel, i guess it might help.
This has happened to me also .. no idea about the cause. But i keep trying until the display is up. Sometimes I reset the BIOS. can this be a bios problem ?
sarang said:
typically this is an issue with the power components on the MOBO being hit with humidity (as told to me by the Asus guys). Use some silica gel, i guess it might help.

Yes it could be moisture, do you keep your comp close to a window \ AC?
use silica gel inside your cabinet.
dont pull the battery...
there will be a jumper to do the same, look in your mobo manual to see where the bios reset jumper is located, you will need to short these jumpers for about 5 secs to reset the bios.
m having the same problem. above help is appreciated. my pc is in a humid room so maybe power components have conked out due to that, as given in above posts.
Parix said:
Yes it could be moisture, do you keep your comp close to a window \ AC?

use silica gel inside your cabinet.

NOT that it COULD be moisture...its IS MOISTURE problem...i m bloody hell sure about that...i need some permanent solution for this...where can i buy silica gel packets ??????? will i be able buy them frm any general store or a medical store....????????? and can some body answer the below question too ???????

One more doubt i would like to have answered is ...whether my SATA HD stands a chance of succumbing to bad sectors and crash by frequently resetting my system like this...
the silica gel as far as i aware of..u dont need to apply them anywhere...instead..they come enclosed in perforated small packets in the form of hard silica gel capsules....i got one once in a some electronic product i bought...i m now using one in my drawer containing all my cds and dvds to protect them from moisture...

Man...y on earth is nobody else posting something ???????? :huh: :huh: someone experienced in such problems posting some solution will also be appreciated...:(
Bios can be reset by using the BIOS jumper on your mobo .. some BIOS go into maintainance mode.


Yes frequent resetting of system when the HDD is being accessed can cause bad sectors to pop up.

Also anyone has any idea where to buy silica gel packets .. plz let us know .. help will be appreciated.
Is the FAN on the CPU running

Have you tried the RAM check with dymykey told u

Most probably, it could be a RAM issue. Insert on a different slot, juggle with it and see if it works...

Humidity..i am not sure...havent faced it...perhaps other can help
pcgamer said:
Is the FAN on the CPU running

Have you tried the RAM check with dymykey told u

Most probably, it could be a RAM issue. Insert on a different slot, juggle with it and see if it works...

Humidity..i am not sure...havent faced it...perhaps other can help

Is the FAN on the CPU running

Have you tried the RAM check with dymykey told u

I am having only one stick of 1gb wen u remove it from the slot and boot it is going to give a beep...any other way of checking ?

Most probably, it could be a RAM issue. Insert on a different slot, juggle with it and see if it works...

tried that too ..just didn't mention it...didn't work anyway....
Ok so everything is fine its just that there might be some problem with the RAM stick. Try borrowing a RAM stick from someone, or take your RAM stick to your dealer and ask him to check it out or send and engg or sumthing. Definately has to be the RAM stick.
I tried resetting the BIOS yesterday and yet no display. :(
there are some new findings or guesses (as i can say) that i made yesterday.

1)When i connected my monitor to my dad's computer the display was working properly.

From this i am concluding that there is nothing wrong with my Monitor.One more thing i noticed is that my dad's computer has NOT been turned ON for the past 6 months atleast and i was surprised it worked when i pressed the POWER button. everything was working smoothly and besides my dad's PC has been subject tremendous moisture in all these months.

This is now questioning my guess whether the problem my PC is really because of moisture...:(

Besides i tried blowing Hot air into my cabinet and still nothing worked. Unplugged the RAM, blew hot air onto it plugged it back..still nothing....

You see in the past i used my PC for downloading overnight and for this i used to set the Screensaver to work for 2 minutes and turn the monitor off automatically after that. (i never used to turn the Monitor manually by pressing its Power button). This has been going on for atleast 2 years.

Now i would like to ask could the above situation be the reason that is messing up my display.

Now for the GPU and the RAM, i am assuming that they are also working because the GPU becomes warm after like half an hour but i m still not so sure abt the RAM because when i touch it, i really can't make out whether
it is warm even after touching it.

I also took out the RAM and then booted the PC. The PC then gave the familiar beeping sound to signal that the RAM is not there. But still, i am assuming that PC couldn't be giving the display if there is RAM that is faulty even after it is inserted into the SLOT.

Now i m worried because i feel something is wrong either with the GPU, or the RAM or MUCH MUCH WORSE... my Motherboard...

i have made some observations on the things that happen when i press the Power button.
1) the CPU fan runs normally
2) the PSU is also working fine
3) the Mother board's light is also ON.
4) But the Keyboard, yes the keyboard does a really weird thing.The NUM Lock turns On and when i try to turn it OFF, the light still remains ON.

Now there are 2 issues, one is no display and the other is no response from keyboard.

I really can't find the culprit here. Can anybody please tell me what are the signs i have to watch out for to find out whether my Motherboard or my GPU or my RAM is not working?????

Are the above observations i made alright or is there more to it...

Plz help ?????????:huh: :huh: :huh: :ashamed: :ashamed:
First of all do not panic. [Aamir frm DCH] C'mon, mard ban, be a man[/Aamir frm DCH] Try borrowing a friend's RAM and then try to power on ur pc. Or else go to your dealer. Dun sit at home and ponder over stuff. Please do the above things. And unless u do it dun brood over anything. Its too early to comment that your mobo or GPU might've gone kaput. So sit tight and keep chill.