In normal TV, the resolution is a lot less compared to PC monitor (CRT or LCD). So is it not wise to play console games on PC using a TV tuner card, rather than playing it on normal 21 inch TVs?
phoenix said:but still wont a pc with a nice dx10 card like a 8800gtx or atis r600 beat the crap outaa the consoles in terms of graphics ???? at least the PS3????
saumilsingh said:TV's don't have good scaling, they have just bad enough display quality themselves to hide any bad graphics.
PC monitors on the other hand bring out the detail in everything, good or bad.
Simply put:
Bad graphics will look 'ok' on a TV. Excellent graphics will look 'ok' on a TV.
Bad graphics will look bad on a monitor. Excellent graphics will look excellent on a monitor.
TV's don't have good scaling, they have just bad enough display quality themselves to hide any bad graphics.
PC monitors on the other hand bring out the detail in everything, good or bad.
So whats the crux of the discussion. Should one use a PC w/TV tuner for consoles like XBOX/360/PS2/3 etc. or should one use the normal TV OR should one use HDTV?
phoenix said:but still wont a pc with a nice dx10 card like a 8800gtx or atis r600 beat the crap outaa the consoles in terms of graphics ???? at least the PS3????
yeah i know thats thatll be a question ill be asking myself .....lessee.....depends what ur priorities are:
If u play games just for the visuals, then NEVER go towards consoles as the PC is gennraly ahead of the consoles in the graphics department....
however if fun is what u seek, then even the graphics of WII shouldnt bother you