CPU/Mobo Noisy AMD Phenom II X2 550 heatsink fan


amd 550 picture by rahulpayne - Photobucket

guys i bought this procy 3 days back i dint even touch any bios settings except boot priority

my room temp is bit high but still i think the temp is too high me facing this problem since i bought ........

wat should i do???

shop wala .... lol assembled the procy ram on mobo

checked bios cool and quite is enabled.

i have a zebby bijli with default fans.......

IDLE temp i am talkin here btw
my config

bio 790gx 128

4gb transcend

500 HDD
well it has 2 fan on left hand side(when view from front) and 1 120mm fan in the front...

upper is blowing air out n remaining 2 fan( front and side bottom) are blowing air in..FYI
I have the same procy, mobo and cabinet. Mine goes 47 degree Celsius full load and idle temp is around 34 degree Celsius after OCing to @ 3.675Ghz on OCCT stress test. So 41 degree temp is normal as your room temp is high. You didn't mention whether you OCed it or not.

Btw, my 550 used to lie between 25-34 degree Celsius when at stock speed.
i dint oveclocked like i said before i din touch the bios....sabby wats your cpu fan rpm at idle??? got any pic of hardware monitor or speed fan or something??//
I'm sorry, I don't see any problem with your temperatures? 41 degrees is absolutely fine for that CPU with the stock cooler... If you need lower temepratures you need an aftermarket cooler. In my city I was getting 37 degrees idle with the stock cooler, your temps look absolutely spot on.
hope it has nothing to do with my local zebby psu

are yaar me not worried ab temp........ look at the fan speed 6k rpm it sound more like a water motor .......
Not much you can do about the fan speed, Speedfan should be able to cut it down a bit for you. You have to fiddle with the PWM settings ('speeds' tab in configuration menu) and check the 'Auto Fan speed' in the Speedfan main page. Accurate control is not guaranteed, Speedfan does not properly work with the 4-pin motherboard headers. BIOS may have a setting of some sort to control the fan speed.

Your first post said nothing about it, only mentioned the temperatures. It's tough to make out when you make a thread with one topic title, but go on to talk about something completely different.
i apologise for being not so clear hope you would understand the frustration of guy who update his pc after 5 long years and end up buyin crap..........

it din make any sense my old p4 make less almost no noise then this dual core... i mean come on its 45nm 6k rpm at idle condition ........ my frds 8400 runs at 900rpm at idle....this is really unfair even my p4 used to run at 3.5krpm.........

damn had i knew this kinda issue me goin to face i wouldnt hv bought it ........
rahulpayne said:
i apologise for being not so clear hope you would understand the frustration of guy who update his pc after 5 long years and end up buyin crap..........

it din make any sense my old p4 make less almost no noise then this dual core... i mean come on its 45nm 6k rpm at idle condition ........ my frds 8400 runs at 900rpm at idle....this is really unfair even my p4 used to run at 3.5krpm.........

damn had i knew this kinda issue me goin to face i wouldnt hv bought it ........

There's nothing wrong with the system you bought. Just check the fan control option and let us know. Lot's of TE members have the same mobo+cpu, they would definitely help you in solving the issue. Just press DEL at system boot to enter bios.
I've a phenom 2 940 and my fan speeds used to touch above 5000rpm sometimes, especially when i boot into linux. Then i went to bios, turned on the fan control to auto and kept the profile to quiet, now it does around 2000-2500 rpm most of the time, no problems..hope it helps
i tried bios smart fan settings auto n quite but still the fan rpm is 6k non stop right from the boot..........damn......... can anyone put the hardware monitor pic n bios setting

.. plz its makin me mad...........cant even type with this pump running near my ears

@sabby wats you bios setting n can u show me some pics of temp n rpm........

ALL idle condition i m talkin here

I didn't have to change BIOS setting. Its disabled by default. And check your private message inbox. I sent you a screen shot earlier today morning. Tell me if you didn't get it, I will send again.

Well, I am posting again here.

@rahul: I can understand your frustration.

The 6000 rpm speed is irritating for sure.

Let's try and get to the heart of the problem.

Is your fan connected to the 4-pin CPU_Fan header?

Disable the 'Smart fan' setting.

In Speedfan, open up the 'fans' page in the config. This will show you the location of the fans, like Fan1, Fan2. etc. The offending header should be marked with a speed of 6K rpm, let's say this is Fan1 (it could be Fan3 or something totally different).

Look at the fan connected to the corresponding header in the 'Speeds' tab (say, PWM1, the numbers between 'Fan' and 'PWM' usually correspond with each other). Select it and the minimum and maximum speed options will appear below. Set the minimum to 5% and the maximum to 95%. Ensure the little box that says 'Automatically variated' is checked.

Go back to the 'Temperatures' tab and expand all the little crosses. Uncheck every single box, and only check the box which corresponds to your CPU temperature and Fan1 (say). Doing this will ensure that Speedfan does not speed your fan up in response to an increase in HDD temperature, for example. The temperature setting indicates the temperature at which the fan speed will be 100%, set this to about 48 degrees (yes, it's safe).

Go back to the Speefan front page (exit the config menu) and check the box that says 'Auto fan speed'. The corresponding speed should gradually decrease, and with any luck it should be the right one for your fan. I find that renaming all the placeholders helps tremendously, as does removing all the irrelevant temperature sensors (no point in having 89 degrees on the Speedfan page).

Spend a bit of time with Speedfan and you should be fine. I am assuming that it is compatible with your board, the IT87 is common enough.


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