Nokia 5800 XM not compatible with many leading Brand earPhones ( with Mic)

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I had /having a bitter experience
I am a music addict:cool2: but then I ordered one pair of Jbuds J3M ( for around 15-18 Pounds ) and was very happy on arrival I was damn dissapointed as they are being detected as Video out by the Nokia 5800 mobile. I thought the earphones has some problem. And in teh mean time ordered SkullCandy Titanium( very exited again )
Damn this time also its the same problem
In both the cases I ordered earphones with Mic..
Now here is the interesting part. I had called Nokia Care tech department . After talking for 45 minutes they had told if earphones are with Mic Nokia phones are not compatable.. I am actually not sure if its true or false. and also how can a company like Nokia restrict customers only to use Nokia headsets (with Mic).

Please letme know if any one else is having any similar kind of problems.
Til then :clap:
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