Nokia 7210 Supernova gone Super FUBAR

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My younger sister bought the above mentioned handset almost and year ago.

For past 2 months, she's facing a huge myriad of problems with the phone.

Initially the problem was that some names in contacts appeared with some non-standard characters.

From there problem escalated to Profile settings where they just wouldn't change. The phone would switch between Normal and Silent profile but that's it. No changes could be made to the profile.

I told her to revert the phone back to factory settings but that didn't help either, so Using Phone Software updater in PC Suite, I backed up the contents and updated the software. After applying the backup on the phone, it worked fine till next day.

Next day what happened was, that my sister got a song from her friend using Bluetooth. Song showed size 5.4MB and it played too initially but when she tried to send it to my mother's phone, only 170KB was transferred ! After restarting the phone, the song's size was now being shown 170KB whilst just few moments ago, the whole song was played. :S

Today even the Gallery, the phone memory one, all its contents automatically vanished.

I re-installed the phone software using Updater and didn't applied the backup this time as I suspected that maybe the backup contains virus.

Now I was able to create folders in the Gallery, but wasn't able to add anything to them via PC Suite. I tried sending the files over from my PC to phone via Bluetooth but it too fails just after starting up. :@

During this whole procedure, no Micro SD card was either used or was present in the phone.

I did scolded my sister for running mad as lorry with phone in her hand and Bluetooth ON, collecting unnecessary stuff from her no-good friends but I think that's of no use now.

"Ab pachhtat ho kya jab chidiya chug gayi khait" :ashamed:

Now please tell me folks, is resuscitation of this phone possible or should i just throw it in the Nokia's recycle box? :cool2:
a different device comes which mobile repairers usually have which is known as Device Flasher.. which is used to Flash the Phone memory..

Try it out may be that will help.. They'll charge you about 100/- for this..
becarefull when u take u'r phone to Nokia service centers, they may silently replace the parts working parts and may talk pure BS.
ss_rakesh said:
becarefull when u take u'r phone to Nokia service centers, they may silently replace the parts working parts and may talk pure BS.

flashing does not require the phone to be dismantled..:P
naveen58 said:
flashing does not require the phone to be dismantled..:P

But you do not know what they do with your phone after taking it!

Give it to Nokia Service Centre for flashing or else if you know any local guy go to him, its better usually. But i feel that there is some hardware fault and your PCB might have to be replaced.
naveen58 said:
flashing does not require the phone to be dismantled..:P

Yeh that's the point, but they behave like a noob and they may do all the deeds with u'r handset.:@
Search through the stories about nokia service center, u will know

Only give u'r phone to trustworthy service center, if it exists :tongue:
I found the bill of the phone. It was purchased in Feb 2009 from local "The Mobile Store" outlet and bill mentions 1 year warranty. Lets see if they replace the phone. If they don't then I'll look for the local Nokia Service Center. I know there is one in my own but don't remember where. :ashamed:
I took the phone to "The mobile Store" from where I bought it. Thet said that all after-sales support is handled by Nokia Service center so I had to take my phone there. At the service center, they said that they "fix" phones under warranty, they don't replace them, its the company policy. So I gave the phone, wait for 1/2 hour and got it back with firmware flash. Seems to be working fine. If goes kaput again, well then time for new phone I guess. ;)
Ryunosuke said:
I took the phone to "The mobile Store" from where I bought it. Thet said that all after-sales support is handled by Nokia Service center so I had to take my phone there. At the service center, they said that they "fix" phones under warranty, they don't replace them, its the company policy. So I gave the phone, wait for 1/2 hour and got it back with firmware flash. Seems to be working fine. If goes kaput again, well then time for new phone I guess. ;)

Since it is still under warranty, it is Nokia's responsibility to make it work satisfactorily.
I'll go for new phone in case of 7210's malfunction because it was purchased in Feb 2009 and its warranty is about to run out soon as it was 1 year warranty.
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