Nokia Phone Dead - Need to recover contacts.


Hello All,

My dad was using a Nokia Cell Phone (I do not know the model number) and now, it has all of a sudden gone completely dead without any reason. Even the charging of the phone doesn't happen. I took it to a repair shop near my house who removed the current battery from inside and replaced it with a newer one to check and see if the phone starts but it DIDN'T!

So, he also tried to do some sort of hardware level check by checking the Power IC for which he gave me a timeframe of 1 day. The next day, when I went to this mobile repair shop, he said that he did all possible check from the Hardware level with NO Success! Now, he needs to do a Software level troubleshoot by flashing this Nokia cell phone. However, if that is done, than my dad's contacts will get wiped off completely which I do not want to happen under any circumstances therefore, I bought the phone back home since I thought that there could more experts on the internet Mobile Forums like this wherein I can get an effective assistance.

Now, this is the situation:

The phone doesn't Power ON at all even after Hardware level check.
Unless the phone Turns ON, recovering contacts is not possible.

Software flashing cannot be even think of since it will wipe off all the information from phone's memory.

So, is there any hardware device available that can be connected to this dead Nokia cell phone and read its internal phone memory for backup?
B'coz after all, it is the phone that is dead, NOT THE INTERNAL PHONE MEMORY!
can u please mention the model of the phone first
cos many nokia phones have different contacts storage locations

the only hardware solution is to desolder the flash chip read and analyse the dump from it and extract contacts from it and that is going to cost u a bomb moreover it is also model dependant so pls post the model first
there is a fair chance that ur contacts can be recovered ask ur repair shop if he can try and read the pm (permanent memory ) from ur handset if possible tell him to read the pm range (0 to 500) than contact me


Dear a1cellsolution,

Hi There! Thanks for your reply! I immediately called up the repair shop and he says that it is not possible to read the Permanent Memory. Now I am not sure if he has the sufficient knowledge about this Permanent Memory reading or

All he said is that he had done Hardware level troubleshooting wherein he tried to repair Power IC and its some sorts of connectors on the board to NO success.

Could you explain me this technology of Permanent Memory reading and how it can be done? Does it require any special hardware to do? I am from Mumbai. So, you can also help me with any mobile expert who can understand this system of troubeshooting?
