Noni Juice - Miracle Health Supplement

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Hello Friends,

One old age Man in my Apartment use Noni Juice and he found some MIRACLE RESULTS - I didn't inspect him personally but one of my friend said that She Noticed and seen Improvement in this Old Man Health.

The product cost like bomb 400ml=Rs.650 & 800ml=Rs.1250

So what you say about this, is this Noni Juice (pure - no pesticides or medical product mixed) really capable or just marketing gimmicks with some added pain killer and antibiotics in it?

Please suggest ASAP, as I have so many health issues (not life threatening - like frequent headache with nostril chock up, cold, swelling in ankle etc etc - but I want get rid of it).

On the computer: I am not one to visit chat rooms, but, when I first started this is what I did with very good results:

1. Go to any health chatroom - yahoo, msn, excite, etc have them for any disease known to man and people love to go in and tell their problems to whoever will listen

2.. Sit there and say nothing for about 3 minutes while people tell their problems.

3… Say I have information on a new product for athritis, diabetes, fibromyalgia, obesity, (whatever the room is) that people are getting dramatic results with. If you would like some information e-mail me at (your e-mail)

do not use your NONI e-mail addy.

They will ask “what is it”, You say: I do not give info in chat rooms, but, if you will e-mail me, I will send you information you can check out and see what you think.

Leave the room immediately !!!!

You will get lots of requests for information - I got a good start doing this and some of those people have been with my NONI group for years. Try it —

lol!...scam scam scam.
Stick said:
Please suggest ASAP, as I have so many health issues (not life threatening - like frequent headache with nostril chock up, cold, swelling in ankle etc etc - but I want get rid of it).

Seems you have what is called "Vata imbalance" (according to Ayueveda). I have somewhat same imbalance. These links may be helpful:
Balancing Vata Dosha -- Balance Vata with diet
Balancing Vata Dosha -- Balance Vata with lifestyle
Raso Vai - Abhyanga Massage
Vata Dosha - Vata subdoshas: tips and diet for balancing vata from Maharishi Ayurveda

Forget about Noni Poni juice. Instead, concentrate on natural fruits, juices and vegetables. Cut down on junk foods and cola drinks. And see your immunity shoot up!:)
looks like its dissolved bull shit!!!!!!!!!!


if it works people like me will go bankrupt.
DCEite said:
Seems you have what is called "Vata imbalance" (according to Ayueveda). I have somewhat same imbalance. These links may be helpful:

Balancing Vata Dosha -- Balance Vata with diet

Balancing Vata Dosha -- Balance Vata with lifestyle

Raso Vai - Abhyanga Massage

Vata Dosha - Vata subdoshas: tips and diet for balancing vata from Maharishi Ayurveda

Forget about Noni Poni juice. Instead, concentrate on natural fruits, juices and vegetables. Cut down on junk foods and cola drinks. And see your immunity shoot up!:)

^^ yes, currently I'm taking Ayurvedic medicines from Kerala Auyrved and the Frequent Headache problem is gone with these medicine - but they rip me off suggesting massage for Rs.600/- per day and I quit them but taking medicine is continue with Morning walk and Badminton playing.

medpal said:
looks like its dissolved bull shit!!!!!!!!!!


if it works people like me will go bankrupt.

^^ Never, as when people NEED immediate RELIEF nothing can beat Allopathy and 95% REQUIRED immediate relief as they want to Attend day to day work without failure.

Medpal swelling is there on both Ankle - nothing in report (as we talk last time) - Family MD asked me Not to visit him till I get any other problem with this swelling :( , other 3 orthopedic (MS) said don't worry about swelling and ask me to reduce my Weight. I was 78kg with 5.5 on March-07, now I am 76kg, but my mod dad repeatedly told that SWELLING ON ANY PART OF BODY IS not good sign for Health.

What to do now :S :(
Medpal swelling is there on both Ankle - nothing in report (as we talk last time) - Family MD asked me Not to visit him till I get any other problem with this swelling , but my mod dad repeatedly told that SWELLING ON ANY PART OF BODY IS not good sign for Health.

screw family md, go to a real doctor (both my parents are surgeons so i know) :p
nukeu666 said:
screw family md, go to a real doctor (both my parents are surgeons so i know) :p

You don't believe nuke666,

but in last 2 years I visit 6 MD's all fail to get me relief from Swelling - they give me diuretic pills and the day it overs swelling knock the door again - and all ask to reduce Weight - is 78 kg for 5.5ft too much.

One of my friend who is non-veg and drink heavy every alternate day with 85kg and 5.5 but has NO PROBLEM, another is 85 with 6ft- no problem at all.

I never had tobacco - alcohol - non veg
Well i haven't tried it personally, it did work well for one of my relatives. Sure its costly, but so is modern medicine. Not all medicines work for everyone. One that may not work for you may work for me. So its all about begin willing to try different schools of medicine to see which one works for you.

it could be anything a little fluid overload / protein levels low

as we talked it is not going to do any harm.

now back to the topic..
this kind of scams do occur every day in our world. you can judge yourself from tall claims they make.

if it would have been so muchpowerfull the producer of this medicine would have been the richest man on earth not that bill gates. :P
checksum said:
Well i haven't tried it personally, it did work well for one of my relatives. Sure its costly, but so is modern medicine. Not all medicines work for everyone. One that may not work for you may work for me. So its all about begin willing to try different schools of medicine to see which one works for you.

^^ I knew this but at same time I do not want to make my Body as experiment schools for Medicine companies and in end - end my life with Various Incurable Diseases & health issues - that's why I keep asking here online.
Stick said:
but in last 2 years I visit 6 MD's all fail to get me relief from Swelling - they give me diuretic pills and the day it overs swelling knock the door again - and all ask to reduce Weight - is 78 kg for 5.5ft too much.

I never had tobacco - alcohol - non veg

Wow, your bmi level is around 28.6, it should be 22 - 23. Join a gym

and start eating non veg, you need some proteins. :)
medpal said:

it could be anything a little fluid overload / protein levels low

as we talked it is not going to do any harm.

Thanks for kind words Doc, but I just can't satisfy my Parents, both are tense due to this Swelling.

Medpal - is this swelling possible due to mental tension?

now back to the topic..
this kind of scams do occur every day in our world. you can judge yourself from tall claims they make.

if it would have been so muchpowerfull the producer of this medicine would have been the richest man on earth not that bill gates. :P

Stick said:
^^ I knew this but at same time I do not want to make my Body as experiment schools for Medicine companies and in end - end my life with Various Incurable Diseases & health issues - that's why I keep asking here online.

Well, the more you ask people, the more you will be confused. I didn't tell anything about making your body a experiment school. Its upto you to use the medicine or not. All i'm trying to tell you is you will obviously get 100 different opinion from 100 different people. If you know someone close for whom the medicine worked, ask them. Or just go in for tried and tested methods.
Hacker said:
Wow, your bmi level is around 28.6, it should be 22 - 23. Join a gym

Just 45 minutes walk and eat whenever I fill hungry I reduce my weight by 2 kg in last 3 months.

Gym in my city are so horrible - hot environment with IRRITATING SWEATING SMELLS - NO fresh Air - no proper Trainer. :@

and start eating non veg, you need some proteins. :)

^^ I'm strictly VEGETARIAN, 2 yrs back one day I tried Egg as Doctor ask me to eat - after eating it - 10 times vomit and get fainted and never ever try egg again :hap5: , suggest veg for proteins.

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