Nonstop nonsense

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Probably the best show to ever air on doordarshan - looked for his shows on the web a few years ago but in vain. Because India was the only country it was aired in besides Germany, nothing is available on the web :(
yeah! But i think it should be okay :-)

Some episodes have no dialogues at all.. i remember one ring episode. where he gets a ring for marriage.. and gets his car crushed.
I used to record these shows on VHS videotape. Back in the days, english programs were rare on DD. So we'd record various english programs and play them over and over again to survive the trash DD was doling out :) Don't think any of my tapes are still usable though. I don't know...haven't touched my VCR in a while and it's not even with me now.(am in B'lore and my stuff is in B'bay.)
^ ha ha

This show was one of the best DD has ever telecasted.

I used to enjoy GIANT ROBOT as well.

Wish i could find some videos of that too :)

if you guys find, pls pls post the links here

Good night :)
^ ^ I know I know, I used to talk to my watch and wondered when I'll get to meet that robot... now it all seems so funny.
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