Noob Setting up C2D Rig :ohyeah:


Well finally I could jump to the C2D bandwagon......totally broke :( now.....have to fast for few days to save money.

Some pics while doing the assembling

1. The mobo & its accessories

2. The nude virgin :rofl: Mobo

3. Close-up of the Rev of the Mobo

4. The mobo,processor & RAM

5. Close up pic of the RAM chips & the BP PCB used:eek:hyeah:

6. The bare C2D proccy close-up

7. The mobo & proccy with Mr. Amitabh Bachchan

8. Finally the mobo with the TT BT inside the crampy AntiBiotic Cabby

9. The setup now with the wire clutter:no:

Thats it.....bored u guys with so many pics:p
Thanx to all the TE members(read Rio,Switch,Darky,Harshal,karan,adi)...I couldn't resist & upgraded frm my 10 day old Venice to the C2D....& I must say I am not regretting it.....the processor is insanely fast even @ stock.

Currently running at 2.8G for 24X7 use.
Welll the damage was huge( a QUAD Damage :( )

Mobo- 14k

Proccy- 9.6k

RAM-- 11k

As of removing the grill frm the TT BT ...I guess the air sucked in vol might be more(Sandy told me that)