Not Getting Connected to Network fully on Vista

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I have a small problem:P Iam using a Broadband Bridge connection on Vista Ultimate 64-bit.This connection requires connecting to the network by dialing the number,but my dialer stops at the following screen:S


Though when this screen shows up my Internet gets started but I dont get the last screen that Iam connected to internet and I have to keep the above "Connect to a network" screen minimized in taskbar for my internet to run:@

Can someone help me out:S
y dont u try skip screen...

also.. there will be a dialer in network connections... dial from there.the default connection wizard is boring in vista.
madnav said:
y dont u try skip screen...
also.. there will be a dialer in network connections... dial from there.the default connection wizard is boring in vista.

when i skip the screen my net goes bust:@ I have to keep that screen minimized to keep my net running:S

I used my net on my friends lappy with same OS and same settings butthere i got the message "connected to the internet":S
does ur created connection icon appear in network connections b4 connecting online?

if so.. then dial through that rather than going through default 'connect to network' option.
lol... u are on mtnl too..

same prob occured to me...

stop using ur router on ppppopoepepoe mode for somethin like half n hour and use it as u do conventionally by using user id and password pastin in ur router page.

after that go back to ur ppoe mode and it will work properly..
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